a ::the smoke zone::: Have I made it back to reality at last?


Have I made it back to reality at last?

Sheesh people, am I going to be the only one who posts on this thing?
I've got 2 out of 3 so far and the longest one! Pathetic!
Rali, at least you won't let me keep those titles.
So I'm home.
Except not quite home...
My mum has moved so I'm now stationed at a different house, which feels weird but I'm already flipping the subconcious psychological switches that make things feel like home so no worries.
We went to an italian place yesterday night and I had some good food, but the news is that I gave American coffee another shot.
A shot that missed the target completely.
Yes, it's still sludge over here. I don't know how I'll ever drink coffee again.
This morning I had scrambled eggs with smoked jalepeno cheese and crumpets and real toast, not the kind that turns to cardboard when you toast it. And a big glass of orange juice and a cup of my mum's coffee-ish thing that never seems like coffee (so it wasn't sludge).
But now she's bothering me about getting out from the basment and taking a shower before her guests show up for the party she has every year. I can only assume she doesn't want this reeking spector waltzing through the guests.
Ooh, I can't wait!
A real shower!
With a non-funky smelling bathroom!!


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

You know, as I sit here in Rome, drinking exceptionally cafe latte, I can only laugh at the thought of someone actually drinking that sludge they have in America.


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