a ::the smoke zone::: More of the same


More of the same

Do this too. Just like before.
I am: tired
I wish: I wasn't
I fear: rejection
I dream: too often
I trust: in very little
I'm worried: about everything
I love small: coffee shops
I count: sheep at night sometimes
I think: too hard
I miss: Chicago
I drink: espresso
I party: instead of working
I watch: Cartoon Network
I want: summer to be half-way over
I dance: all the time
I sing: in the shower
I listen: to emo :P
I'm scared: of everything
I realized: that's retarded
I cry: at stupid things
I laugh: when I can't cry
I'm excited: about next year
I ask: why
I cook: pasta sometimes
I yell: at myself
I swear: so what
I hit: those I love
I've never: remembered dates
I'm turned on: some of the time
I'm turned off: the rest of the time
Relationships: are everything
Cuddling: makes life less painful
Children: frighten me
People: are beautiful
I can't believe: I'm getting married
I don't understand: the stock market
I'm looking: for purpose
I wear: nothing, thanks to Avi
I work: at school
One day: we'll get it
Tomorrow: is just an illusion
Yesterday: no longer exists
Next month: will be better
When I wake up: I miss you
Before I fall asleep: I miss you
I shop: for deals
I need: love
I'm bored: with academia
My best friends: are far away
My cell phone: is better than T-Mobil
My mom: rocks
My pet: is marrying me
My room: is cluttered
My computer: hates me
My I-pod: has awesome stickers, at least
My teachers: aren't always professors
My friends: teach me
My exs: probably want to kill me
My crush: is in my past
My enemies: may be many
My hair: needs to be cut
My eyes: are scratchy
My lips: are dry
My shoes: got left in Peru
My favorite quote: is out of context

It's different enough I thought we might have some fun with it. It seemed to work last time.

Comment people.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

I am: sore
I wish: for more
I fear: loss
I dream: lots
I trust: lots
I'm worried: money
I love small: models
I count: days
I think: too little
I miss: hawaii
I drink: rootbeer
I party: all night long
I watch: twister
I want: less stress
I dance: in my room
I sing: in my room
I listen: to music
I'm scared: of sharks
I realized: that i'm lazy
I cry: when guys aren't supposed to
I laugh: at stupid things
I'm excited: about geeky things
I ask: because I can
I cook: almost nothing
I yell: at my brother
I swear: at times
I hit: pads
I've never: gotten drunk
I'm turned on: lots
I'm turned off: lots
Relationships: are precious(sp)
Cuddling: is fun
Children: are stressful
People: are weird
I can't believe: i'm an adult
I don't understand: math
I'm looking: for a new job
I wear: odds and ends
I work: too much
One day: i'll be married
Tomorrow: is monday
Yesterday: was great
Next month: it'll be hot
When I wake up: I'm often embarrased with my body
Before I fall asleep: I read
I shop: too much for a guy
I need: dedication
I'm bored: with the day to day
My best friends: are few and far between
My cell phone: doesn't exist
My mom: is baking pizza
My pet: is snoozing
My room: is messy and hot
My computer: has too many problems
My I-pod: is wonderfully full
My teachers: can be difficult
My friends: aren't seen enough
My ex: is the one that left
My crush: knows it
My enemies: largely ignore me
My hair: needs to be cut
My eyes: are oddly colored
My lips: are dry
My shoes: are getting old
My favorite quote: can't be named since I have so many.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Yeah, this one is pretty creative.

Hehe, I like the "I wear: nothing, thanks to Avi"! Look how my evil hath spread...

My answers will be coming.

At 2:20 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I should do this more often. :D

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I am: completely drained
I wish: I could rest
I fear: pointlessness
I dream: retarded dreams
I trust: most things but me
I'm worried: I'll fail
I love small: cups of tea
I count: pages before the end of a chapter I'm working on
I think: I missed something
I miss: lipstick
I drink: water
I party: rarely
I watch: [adult swim]
I want: to be married
I dance: very rarely
I sing: when people aren't going to care
I listen: to music that tickles my fancy
I'm scared: of failing
I realized: what's important
I cry: from feeling alone
I laugh: and feel great
I'm excited: about next year
I ask: you to ask yourself, "why?"
I cook: stuff to get better at it
I yell: about bad authority
I swear: pretty commonly
I hit: nothing really
I've never: been very violent
I'm turned on: by things you don't need to know about ;)
I'm turned off: when I'm not turned on...
Relationships: are everything
Cuddling: is so lovely
Children: amuse me
People: sometimes suck
I can't believe: it's not butter
I don't understand: quantum physics and I would love to
I'm looking: at everything
I wear: sexy, button-down shirts and tightish jeans or crappy pants and bummy t-shirts
I work: to help you enjoy making music
One day:
Tomorrow: is all hope
Yesterday: is all trust
Next month: I will be very tired
When I wake up: I miss you
Before I fall asleep: I miss you
I shop: if I'm low on money
I need: assurance
I'm bored: so I should obviously pick up a guitar and fix that
My best friends: are scattered
My cell phone: 's motto is "You're a fucking idiot"
My mom: for whatever reason, gets on my nerves
My pet: has never existed due to me never having had a pet
My room: is steadily getting messier
My computer: is lonely
My I-pod: is for my Hawk to take care of
My teachers: , I realised somewhere along the line, are just like me
My friends: make me laugh
My exs: all needed someone else
My crush: found out and wants to marry me
My enemies: hopefully are few
My hair: is getting root-rot pretty bad
My eyes: are dry
My lips: thirsting
My shoes: are already looking old
My favorite quote: probably changes in my mind everytime I am asked to think of it

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Don't ask me why, but I was pontificating over this in the shower. So I had to add it.

My exs: I took too literally
My crush:es I took too seriously
My love: belongs to neither :)

Really, don't ask. I realize, I'm a retard D=


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