a ::the smoke zone::: June 2006



This is a webmaster's attempt to fix an oddly and apparently broken website. If this doesn't do it, I have no idea what is wrong with it and it will take more work that I though - in which case you will both need to be patient with me (as my websupport is very limited at the moment in the current location) and you will not know this.

That's exciting :)



Summer's Anted, You Gonna Match?

So...now that everyone's done with school for a while what's on the calendar for the summer? What all is everyone doing to keep themselves busy? I myself have a couple of trips planned as well as the occasional re-enactment. All this interspersed among alot of boring work. Gonna do some reading and writing too.

So come on...whatcha gonna do?


A new love befalls me

Sleek and thin and black.

She comes to me from nowhere, but promises to stay beside me.

She is lovely, though I have not seen the whites of her shining eyes. She is lovely, though I have not felt her warmth. She is smooth and delicate, yet strong against my touch.

She is art made from metal.
And I love her.
