a ::the smoke zone::: Times will be had!


Times will be had!

I foresee time in your neck of the woods, my smkr friends. This weekend (4/10-12) Nighteyes and I will be staying in the Portland area for another friend's birthday, and ought to have Sunday free to hang out. Who will be available? If there are other times during the weekend that would be better, we can probably arrange for that too.

In other news, I want you guys up here too - sometime in the future. Now that I have weekends free, I strongly encourage you to visit me - we could do a day or two on Seattle, you could see my awesome apartment *cough* and there could be general awesomeness. I miss you guys. So I would like feedback to start narrowing down the times that I can get y'all up here for fun smkrishness!


At 7:51 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Weekends are always the best bet, neh?
Rali works this Sunday but I don't know when. Care to enlighten us, Rali, dear?

At 1:05 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

COrrection my dear Widgeon-love. I do *not* work this Sunday, as this Sunday is Easter and (although originally scheduled to work) we are closed! Yeay. This means we can have a hoot of a time with you, dear butter lovers. Anytime is good, then.

As for others, I believe the random-factors are gone at Sakura-con. So you get us, instead. There will be much tea drinking!

As for coming up there, we can certainly schedule a weekend that would be good sometime. I just need at least two weeks to let them know. And it would be great to see the apartment :)

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

...why is it that people are always going in the opposite direction whenever I go somewhere? Tried to get a friend I haven't seen in years that I just got back in contact with to meet me in Seattle this weekend(he lives nearby) but no...he's going to Walla walla. And now you say the two of you will be down HERE this weekend?!


At 5:41 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Ouch, Vala.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Awww, geez. Rum luck, Vala and Daphne. This means I will have to consult posthaste with NE and my family and find the next available time for a get-together (allowing plenty of time for Reh to book her time off, of course.) So I can see all of you! *nods*

Disappointment notwithstanding, I am very excited to spend time at least with the contextualists on Sunday. I am pretty sure we'll have the whole day to hang out, until maybe 4 or 5-ish.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Oh, for a second there I thought you were saying we'd have at least a whole day, maybe four or five days.

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

That's ok, I was hastey in my interpretation - so I thought you were saying, "Oh bum luck. Guess we won't see anyone then. Sucks to be you guys! HA!"

I was about to weep.
Then I read on. Stupid me.

But I must say, last I checked a day was 24 hours long, Avi. Not 4 or 5 :P

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

So much for only staying until 4 or 5 PM. Did you crash or sleep in late or something?


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