a ::the smoke zone::


Wow, that blogger thing is kinda creepy. I didn't have a clue what you were talking about, but...hmmm. Did you do that on purpose?

Anyway, on to other things. The prodigal has returned! (It's funny because prodigal didn't really mean what it means now, according to one of my pastors. It meant lavish and generous, rather than "runaway" or "the black sheep," but whatever. I can't even afford to be lavish and generous these days.)

Nightwish's new album is hella sexy. I don't know who of you is even a Nightwish fan (I'll bet R would like it though) but they got a new singer who rocks. I never thought the opera voice of the old one suited the metal sound, so kudos to their new choice. If you don't have the CD already, go to youtube and search for Nightwish's "Amaranth." I am totally hooked on it.

But THAT wasn't the reason for posting.

Actually, I can't remember my original goal at all. Bugger. Oh! I am just putting the word out that I am collecting a Christmas fund for myself so I can replace my broken wacom tablet pen. Selfish of me, I know, but for the first time I really have to watch my spending so I have money for rent. And I promised art to peoples and now I can't do it...*sigh*

Anyway, I am not plugging you guys for money so much as...aw hell, I totally am. If you wanted to get me a Christmas present but couldn't figure out what: any amount of money, $1 or more, would be smashing. Every little bit helps. The pen itself is 70 bucks.


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Hmm never heard of Nightwish before but if it's anything along the veins of E Nomine in style then I think i'll have to check it out.

As yes computer parts and their dam costs. Sometimes its like hacking off an arm they're so expensive. Maybe that's why I've rarely bought anything for my piece of junk. I think Daphne and I can scrape a little together for you. Or possibly Washu and I if Daphne isn't up to it. (we stayed at Washu's house when we were last in wally world) We'll see about it.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

I discovered my brother had one of their older albums and that i'd heard him listening to it a ton. I have to say I think the old singer is better, though I do really like Amaranth. I'll just have to listen to more.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Ok so you've gotten me kinda hooked on Nightwish Avi. I've listened to and managed to obtain a fair selection of their music, with both singers mind you, and I enjoy both but I find I like the older singer more.

I watched the "Amaranth" video and didn't like it at all. The new singer seems too punky and upbeat for the band. Her voice isn't what i'd look for in a band like that either. The rest of visuals weren't all that great. The song itself, if you take the video away, is my favorite of the new music.

The old singer, on the other hand, has a very classy look and sound. If you haven't already look up the video for "Nemo". I much prefer that video. The singer looks cool, sounds cool, and just seems to fit much better. Meh I can't describe it well. Never was good at describing music. Anyway, thats my thoughts.

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Hee hee, glad I've got you hooked!

The only things I have against Tarja (old one): she didn't have as much control as Anette (new one) and is, in my opinion, a mezzo soprano and she tries to sing too high for her range. Also, I felt her voice wasn't quite "metal" enough for the music, and it kind of overpowered the songs, which I didn't like. On the other hand, it was very distinctive whereas Anette's is kind of run-of-the-mill. For me, that is fine because then the music itself gets showcased more than the singer, but I do see where you're coming from.

I liked the video for Amaranth mostly because it was based on a famous painting and kind of highlights the words of the song, which as far as I can tell, are urging listeners to have pity on a fallen angel. But it's true, I've seen better.

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Hmm see you touched on things I can't even talk about. I know nothing about voice and things like that. I agree anette seems a tad bit run of the mill so maybe that's why I liked tarja. I thought her style and voice went very well with the whole "symphonic rock" style that the group claims to stick to. Anette seems to have taken them away from that style.

Point me toward that painting i'd like to see it.

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Avi said...


I listened to Nemo like you said, and I have to admit that Tarja is growing on me. Before I would have preferred Anette, but now I think I like them both equally. They each offer something different.

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I feel compelled to add my own two cents:

At first, I didn't like Tarja either, thinking to myself, "What the hell is opera doing with metal?!" And I liked Anette better. Then, we watched a few more videos by each, compared &contrasted our opinions, and I saw the light.

Anette is *painfully* run-of-the-mill, as you said. And, without Tarja, the whole thing is run-of-the-mill metal. And everyone is metal these days.

However with Tarja, they have something new to bring to the table. Her operatic voice contrasted against the fairly standard male-metal voice brought a whole new dimension to their music, contrasting a fairly stereotypical "feminine" with that of the fairly stereotypical "masculine". It made me actually *want* to keep listening. With Anette, they have certainly lost that qaulity. It's too bad that they got a new singer and are sort of just metal now.


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