a ::the smoke zone::: April 2009


Quite Literally

I had to share with you all the hilarity of these music videos, redubbed with lyrics that descrive what is happening literally in the video.
Trust me, you don't even need to know the original song that well to find it great.
So far, these appear to be the only good ones, at least in my opinion.
White Wedding
Take On Me
Penny Lane
Head Over Heels
Under The Bridge


Times will be had!

I foresee time in your neck of the woods, my smkr friends. This weekend (4/10-12) Nighteyes and I will be staying in the Portland area for another friend's birthday, and ought to have Sunday free to hang out. Who will be available? If there are other times during the weekend that would be better, we can probably arrange for that too.

In other news, I want you guys up here too - sometime in the future. Now that I have weekends free, I strongly encourage you to visit me - we could do a day or two on Seattle, you could see my awesome apartment *cough* and there could be general awesomeness. I miss you guys. So I would like feedback to start narrowing down the times that I can get y'all up here for fun smkrishness!