a ::the smoke zone::: Grand Entrance


Grand Entrance

Is life to short to worry about the details or so short that to avoid them makes you miss far to much?

I figured I would make my grand entrance with a deeply philosophical thought to surprise all. So, for all you normal people who got to go home and have a Christmas tree and see family and eat turkey on Christmas this was my experience. We woke up at 5 am Christmas morning to go to the train station, missed our stop once, took the wrong train once and after not seeing any cats in France saw more than a dozen in a single day in Italy. Introduced my mom and sis to cafe latte, we have now bought 4 bags of italien expresso to take home for people, ourselves included. The fact that we dont have any way of making it doesnt seem a problem for some reason.

Well, thats all for now so I shall end on a rather grim note, having recently visited the coloseum and knowing its bloody past,
The Duel
Charles Baudelaire
Two warriors have run one into the other; their weapons
Have splashed the air with glimmers and with blood.
This game, this clink of iron is the din
Of youth preyed upon by keening love.

The swords are broken! Like our youth,
My dear. But the sharp nails, the teeth gnashing,
Will avenge the traitor epee and dagger's tooth.
--O fury of hearts ripe with ulcers of passion!

In the haunted ravine where ocelots and snow leopards gambol
Our heroes, in seizures of wickedness, have rolled,
And their pelts will be flowers to decorate the brambles.

--This gulch, this is hell, with our friends it is peopled!
Roll in it without remorse, inhuman amazon
So that the ardor of our hatred is never gone.


At 5:13 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

You so did not post before Alex did!!
I am so amazed!
And you even commented to my post!!
AHH! This isnt the same world!!
It can't be, this is some sort of parallel universe!
Well, even in this parallel universe it's good to hear you're having fun.
You had better be getting us all Italian Coffee for Christmas!

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

But if I got you all coffee we would need to get an expresso machine with an attachment to steam milk.

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Avi said...

I like the poem.

As to posting before me...Eyah, shut up. I'm working on it. All will be explained.

Bah. Bah, I say!

Bye now.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Like that somehow matters??
I have connections, I could go to one of the local coffee places and ask them to use their expresso machino thing, maybe I'd bring along a dead president or two even. They mostly listen to them.
Or! I could go to a Starbucks and do that, I'm sure any sane person working there would try to find as many ways of sticking it to them as they can...


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