Proposition 99
As elections are drawing quickly near we see the same slime that infiltrates American politics and life. You do realize that 80% of political adverts are negative. You do realize that questionable and outright wrong information is more and more prevelent. It has become its own industry. So why bother voting. If we vote for the Libertarian who actually seems decent our vote doesn't count. So let us ignore this this silly system and move on with our lives. Some how life doesn't seem much better. So let us start the revolution. We do not need these problems. We just want our life. Let us move to the third wave of coffee Mecca and build our coffee, gelato, music, bookstore legacy. In two years three of us will be out of school and the other two will still need work. We can start our business and dance our lives to the SMKR beat. Please join me, for as traveling, a truely loved business needs friends in order to inspire the commitment needed to take it higher. Join me, please.