a ::the smoke zone::: Proposition 99


Proposition 99

As elections are drawing quickly near we see the same slime that infiltrates American politics and life. You do realize that 80% of political adverts are negative. You do realize that questionable and outright wrong information is more and more prevelent. It has become its own industry. So why bother voting. If we vote for the Libertarian who actually seems decent our vote doesn't count. So let us ignore this this silly system and move on with our lives. Some how life doesn't seem much better. So let us start the revolution. We do not need these problems. We just want our life. Let us move to the third wave of coffee Mecca and build our coffee, gelato, music, bookstore legacy. In two years three of us will be out of school and the other two will still need work. We can start our business and dance our lives to the SMKR beat. Please join me, for as traveling, a truely loved business needs friends in order to inspire the commitment needed to take it higher. Join me, please.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Hey I am getting my gelateria practice in already :) No but really, I have been considering the idea; but then I hear how much it cost my owner and wonder if we will ever have that much available in our meager lives...

It seems intimidating - got to figure out where to live first.

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

If you are actually set on doing something along these lines I suppose i'll get forced aboard it at some point. I'll help in the book department.

As for money matters...well. Um. Aaron could play on street corners!? And...uh...yeah...we'll be rich in no time.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Awesome plan. I love it. Let's do it. He's already got the wardrobe ;D

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

It shall be called "Fumatori" or smokers in italian. But we will not allo smoking. We will only allow the yummy goodness of gelato, pannini, coffee and waffles. Why waffles, because Bar Ciao had waffles. I rest my case

At 5:34 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Oh, and I am actually working on a business plan for this so when you start looking for other jobs Rali, please check out Portland. Same to you Avi.

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

I told you I would Daphne. I thought "fumatori" sounded japanese so I said i'd look up any meanings it had. "Fuma" means "Immortality or Permanent" and "Tori" means "bird" so it could be the "Immortal Bird" or "Pheonix". Just had to say it.

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Double awesome. I have to admit it is a tempting idea but not quite what I wanted to do with my life - although working with books is, so I suppose it is feasible. I stil think we should name our gelato flavors after philosophers though.


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