a ::the smoke zone::: Catch up!


Catch up!

Ugh, all my muscles are sore and tired. I think I've been too stiff too long to try and catch up now but I will honestly try.
So this post is going to have to be rather messy as a result of it's nature.
This was brought up a while ago by Ande. As we all know Ande is a huge business-lady and we still love her even though :P
So she wants to make a coffee shop, just hopefully not the Amsterdamian kind. Admittedly, I have entertained such thoughts myself: "Oh, you know what would be fun? To like have a little coffee shop where people can hang out." Now since then I have much changed this idea with a little touch of reality: "Oh, you know what would suck? To like have a little coffee shop where I have to pay shit-loads of taxes and deal with red-tape regulations and asshole people who demand free samples of everything and end up with a tiny amount of income at the end of the month if anything." I think me and Rali have both kind of seen this with both our jobs.
This doesn't mean that I don't want to be involved in a coffee shop. Since working at the Paneria de la Corner (exotic! but not nude...) I've come to enjoy the service / cleaning / preparing work that is necessary in such a place. And I know Rali has come to like the same thing. So me and her were thinking that maybe what would be best for us is to not be involved in all the business of ... business but just the simple pleasures of good dirty work. Anyway, chat up on that Ande all you want.
Oh and on a final note for this section:
Vala mentioned me playing guitar on the streets to add to the overhead and I must say I am totally for it and will try my best to bring people and not send them away. I've been working on that so we'll see.
The Christmas plans have been worked out it appears or at least have been simplified or something of the sorts. Rali told me all about them a little while ago but I figured I should at least put in my meagre two cents if only to procure a charitable laugh: I think the $5 per person thing is fine as long as people don't mind that I got Ande a gift for free that will look like it was a lot more than $5 a long time ago and I had it saved for Christmas.
I think the $20 or so toward whatever charity it was mentioned is a very nice idea and I think we should pool a total and send it all in at once saying something about it coming from the SMKRs or something. Maybe. Or maybe that's a little silly.
I'm not sure if there's more that requires my attentions in word but we shall see! because now this post is left for you to complete!
Where will this adventure lead?


At 6:44 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Oh Oh! I'm gonna have to get out my bookmark before I choose which direction I want to go. I'll wanna try all of the above options and see which ending I like best.

For now i'll just turn to a random page and see how that goes.

I'm with you on your first comment. Actually running the shop is gonna be a nightmare I wouldn't want to deal with and would therefore shove off on Ande seeing as thats her thing, sorry dear but its true. And while I have plenty of experience in the service/cleaning/grunge work departments that wouldn't be my first choice. But then neither would the coffee brewing thing. I'll take the book section thank you.

And you know wudge, you could always play guitar in the shop instead of outside. We'd have to make sure the shop had a small stage area, both to sate your musical interests as well as Ande's "dramatic" lifestyle.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Well, this is good timing because they are remodeling some of the cool old buildings by Saturday Market. We could feasibly work out the business plan this winter. Work on getting loans to open this spring/summer/fall. Start getting things together to open a year from this winter/spring and open either late spring or early summer 2008.
Now I don't know that we would have a book section right away I would need to look into the costs but if we did we could defineatly put you in charge of it Vala. You would probably need to be able to help with the food, cleaning, etc simply because of the size though. You do realize this means you would need to be in the Portland area, not down south. That goes for the other smkrs too. Start looking for jobs and schools and housing and ask if you have questions.
As I am still in school I would need at least a second manager to deal with the everyday stuff like ordering, some scheduling, etc. I had always though Rali would be good there but am open to other applicants.
Basically, if you guys are seriously interested to the point that if a loan came through you would move up here I will finish working out a business plan to start applying for loans. Let me know.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

uuhhhhh... *completely floored by Ande's enthusiasm*

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I know that Widge and I are both getting really excited about the idea of helping to manage/work the little coffee shop we've all had in mind.

However, I also know that we wanted to spend a few years in Chicago before we moved to Portland.

Perhaps 2009 or 2010 would be a b bit better timing...but that also depends on what sort of length of lease we get in Chicago (or if we find anything at all ;).

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I was totally floored too, Vala.
But don't worry, Ande, I thought it was awesome :)

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Well, 2009/2010 would have me out of school which would be a plus. I still have to get the business plan together and find funding and such. We shall see.
BTW, shouldn't you guys know that is just what I do by now.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Well, I for one, wasn't floored!

At 6:53 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Nope. Me neither. But honestly, guys, I have absolutely no idea how I could be useful here. I am going to be a scholar for a living, for crying out loud.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Guess getting floored is just a guy thing. And Avi I think i'd be about as useful as you think you'd be. Just think of it as taking a part time job that a teenager would usually fill.

At 1:27 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Wow, so much for convincing her.

Actually, Widge and I were talking and thought that you'd be good at decor and such.

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Are you taking about me? I would be perfectly willing to put in my two cents worth, and if we were doing the Philosopher gelato names I would certainly help with that. I can give out concepts whenever. But practical help? Not so much.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...


At 1:09 AM, Blogger Avi said...

HEY. I know where my talents lie. I wasn't being self-deprecating.

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

No more turning for you Widge. This isn't "As the PAGE Turns" here! And turn off those soap operas, gosh.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Soap operas?
What are you on about Rali, I was alluding to those old "Choose your own adventure!" books, don't you remember those?


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