a ::the smoke zone::: Springtime for Hitler and Germany...


Springtime for Hitler and Germany...

Wait, completely wrong season.
It is time for snow and sweats and awsome presenty goodness.
But darn it all, with so many people to buy for how will I be able to give everyone a gift?
I know I will force a name picking ritual on groups of friends therefore decreasing the sheer volume of gifts that must be purchased.
But how can this be applied to the smokers because I will of course buy something for Vala no matter what and the same must be said between Widge and Rali.
Let's see can it be done?
Rali Daphne
Widge Vala
Daphne Avi
Vala Rali
Avi Widge
Oh joyeous joys it works, it works!
Now how will I convince them?
Should we set a price limit?
Should we just toss it all?
Or should we have our own little exchange in January when you all arrive for <> Christmasy goodness, say Christamsy goodness <> Christmasy goodness.
<> Votes are now being taken in the comment section. Please reply promptly <>
'Tis the season to be doomy. Doom doom doom doom doom da doom doom doom!


At 5:12 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

^_^ Even if I knew it was coming this is rather...different. I haven't done a gift exchange since, er, well gradeschool I think. I'm for it I'll just need help.

Oh by the way. Santa's been replaced. Hordes of Ninjas will be repelling down your chimney/airvent/heating duct this christmas. Good news is you can keep the milk and cookies, all they want is ramen.

At 5:21 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Well, that is an interesting idea! Cheaper, to be sure. And I have to admit I was totally going to ignore the boys and just buy things for my girl friends. But now I feel all guilty about that so maybe this is a better idea after all.

Noooooo! My ramen!!!!!!

At 5:54 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Frankly I think the idea is ingen....wait, who did I get?
Nope, nevermind. It's a terrible idea. I have no soul - I believe in giving coal. Or steel boot kicks to the shins.

Or anthrax disguised as powdered sugar on those Corner Bakery goods Widge was inevitably giving you...

I have a no gift nature. Does that apply?

Ugh - I can't get out of this one, can I? Okay. Okay. Fine. I'll just careen myself toward the ground from a high place. [JUMP]

Enough silliness. Now, honestly. I really do think its a good idea - so's we don't have to feel guilty about getting everyone something...then again, I have an alternative idea as well:

We could agree to get each person a gift, but put a price limit - so it would be something like $5 per person...so something small and fun. Nothing extravagant (like a new wardrobe or the new PS3 or anything) And if we go with this, you guys can combine Widge and I for cost effectiveness. (We'd really appreciate homey-type things.) Then, it would only be $15 all together that we each would spent.

If that doesn't go over well, I think the exchange is a good idea. What do you guys think?

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

$5 seems a bit much. I was just gonna troll through the dollar spot at target and see if anything caught my fancy. lol

But seriously $5 actually seems a tad low. I like the idea of a small set limit for everyone but I think the gift exchange idea is tad bit cooler. Besides, you can't get real good homey things for $15!

At 3:02 AM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Technically if we did $5 for everyone or the gift exchange the gift exchange limit would be $20. There are five of us now. That said I'm up for either. So now you all need to vote. Exchange or $5 for everyone. Vote in this forthcoming week, Nov 27 - Dec 4, or forever hold your peace.
It's on!


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