a ::the smoke zone::: Undecided



As peoples are no longer following the comments on the last post and therefor not voting I thought I would revive the subject with a new post.
It is not, however, a Uncle Sam <> kind of message.
I've had an idea that would change my first idea.

As avid Make Poverty History supporters and generally philanthropic minded youngesters I noticed a flaw in our ideas and the way we would spend our funds. So, to rectify this flaw I am suggesting that we all take the $15-$20 we would have spent on one SMKR or another and instead purchase something from ADRA's Christmas catalog instead.

We in America are so wealthy that we give money to "charities" that support functions beyond the basics needed to live. While we restore old buildings and pay for research into disease that while they will kill you chances are you will still have a better life while your dying than those who are simple concerned about where their next meal is coming from or whether they will freeze to death tonight because they don't have a sheltered place to live.

Just think about this, we have 5 SMKRS and if we each put in $15 (5 x $15 = $75) we can buy 300 meals for the poor elderly of Kyrgyzstan ( 400 if we each put in $20). Even better, if we help ADRA with their current food security appeal, our funds will be matched 6 times making our $75-$100 worth $525-$700 of food security for the people that can't even conceive of having the extra funds fo a Christmas Tree, Stockings, Gifts or Dinner. This is what I want for Christmas.


At 7:36 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Yet another interesting idea from the groups leading redhead. :P I think its a good one too, do we want to do this?

At 5:46 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

That actually makes me really happy. I have been thinking the same sort of thing, thinking how its ridiculous to just get a ton of things I don't need just because its a "holiday".

I'm glad you said something - I would have, but I didn't want to offend anyone. Silly, I realize - but thank you :) I think we should do this, definitely.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Well, er, I thought for some reason the "gift exchange" idea was already in place so I already bought the gift for Widge. Which means, since you have all abandoned it, I am going to have to get gifts for everyone else after all, AS WELL as donating money to something. Bother.

On the idea of contributing money to a cause, I think that is a good idea indeed. But I would like to say in response to RK's problem with giving/receiving gifts on Christmas, I disagree.

I think the act of getting things for people, and receiving them in turn, is actually a really nice tradition even if the gifts we get aren't what we "need" or even want. Even if it is supremely annoying and even stressful to try to figure out what people would like and then buy them with the miniscule budget we have.

It's because, if we go about it the right way, we are thinking of other people, even if it is the season that obliges us to do so. I personally love getting gifts for my friends and family.

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Avi, I'm sorry I confused you. I have no problem with doing the gift exchange still this was just a secondary idea. And if people wanted they could still make the donation in the name of the person they have. What do peoples think?

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Avi said...

I am perfectly willing to do both, actually. AND I have decided I am still getting presents for everyone after all, because I am commissioning a poor friend - so it is for a charitable cause anyway!

Oh, and Vala you might be interested to know that I have gotten hooked on Naruto after all.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Sure, I have no problem doing the gift exchange if everyone wants to. And since Avi is getting everyone something, why don't we just do the $5 thing?

What do you guys think?

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

By the way, its all set. Widge and I have our tickets as of last night :) And for a suprisingly good price as well.

At 3:16 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

I'm set for the $5 each as well. I may just end up combining with Daphne though. Don't know yet.

Hehehe, so what got you hooked on Naruto Avi? Anything in particular? And whats this about commissioning?

At 3:56 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I really like how the illustrious Widge has had no opinion at all :glare:

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Avi said...

As for Naruto, Vala, I think it was my sister's fault, but maybe I just got curious enough. I can't remember. I started watching it a while ago but never really got into it - I was probably about 20-something episodes in and this Thankgsiving break I decided to take it up again. And promptly got hooked. The storyline gets so much cooler!

The commisioning is - well, I don't want to basically tell people what they're getting... it only applies to the females at any rate.


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