a ::the smoke zone::: For those of us who "lieben Deutsch."


For those of us who "lieben Deutsch."

(...I am still apparently insignificant.)

That aside, a professor told me today that the Germans officially did away with the umlaut two years ago or something like that - and the eszet (sp?) as well. I knew about the eszet, but the umlaut? Travesty! I'm glad I didn't notice anything like that when we were there. Did you, Rali?

I say we have a moment of silence for the official death of a pair of dots and a funny B-ish shaped sigil.


At 1:10 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I am frowning in a mixture of anger and pain and general unwell SO HARD.

At 2:15 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I think that is complete bunk, and so is this professor. Considering we were taught (not two years ago) to use the umlauts and which occasion (although, agreeably they did say that hardly anyone uses it anymore), the eszet. And the keyboards still have them. And they are still in everything.

At 3:28 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Whats this?! Umlauts and the funny S are no more? I'll have to ask my german teacher on wednesday about this. I'll get back to you once I get her answer.


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