a ::the smoke zone::: A proposal


A proposal

Now that you folks are all properly D&D'd, who would be interested in playing online, in a play-by-post setting? (Reh, I am looking at you in particular, given our brief bout of pbp after Austria, but I know Vala has done it in the past too. I have no idea if Widge or Daph would be interested)

The point is, I am trying to recruit more GOOD writers to come play online D&D with NE (Butter) and me on http://www.myth-weavers.com - a pbp community that has a lot of wonderful devices to make D&D (and several other tabletop-style games) easy to be played online. You've heard about NE's long-running game that he's turning into a book, no doubt. He's starting two new games with premises I think you'll find VERY interesting, so if you're even mildly interested give one of us a holler and we'll give you a grand tour and answer any questions you might have.

Here's a brief summary of what we're recruiting for, complete with links:


This is the recruiting thread for "Ascent into Darkness," a dark, twisted story which will basically chronicle the origins of the Drow - starting from a slave race with shining ideals and ending with the evil underground race we D&D-ers love to hate. Anyone who doesn't mind telling a dark story with a slightly less happy ending than most (I'm looking at YOU, Reh) should find this game VERY interesting.


This is the recruitment thread for the game I'll be playing in, "The Greatest Sin." The setting is a continent physically cut off from their Creator-god by a deadly barrier for sinning. They are desperately trying to win their way back to the god's good graces by repenting, only they have no documentation in their history of what this "Greatest Sin" is. Very interesting setting, should be a lot of fun. I myself am playing a pipe-smoking psion potter. Probably.


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I think Reh would be great for it, in either campaign really. You can count me out though, I am totally not cool enough :P

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Wait, I don't want to sound like I'm not interested in D&D, just these campaigns seem too advanced for me. But I would like to try my hand at some fun roleplaying.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Avi said...

That's fine, Widge. No pressure or anything. But we've made the deadline a week from now, so if Reh is interested, she should let us know ASAP and get working on a character!

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

This is something I will have to think a little more seriously on.

I have had a tendency in the past few months to both sign myself up for things that are too much commitment and avoid ones that I wish I had committed to.

Let me think - but let me know if you have already chosen the players (as it seems you have several people who you are used to playing with interested in this).

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

And for something completely different: Vala, I'm not sure how often you check email, but I know you check smkzn, so: check your email.

Widge & I sent you some thoughts on the new campaign, and I'm curious what you think of them.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Avi said...

The openings for players in either of NE's online games don't close until next Sunday, so you should feel free to create characters and apply to either of them. If you need help figuring out Myth-weavers and how it works, NE or I can help you out with that. Or the M-W help section, for that matter.


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