a ::the smoke zone::: I can explain!


I can explain!

Hello all smkrs.

Please don't murder me! I realize I have been remiss in my blogging. I have duly beaten myself over the head with my sister's beanbag snake (its name is Azul Lazuli, which is awesome and completely beside the point) and I will defend myself by stating that first I have been in California with my grandparents, cousins, and so on for the past week; and also that before that, following an incident in which my sister and I were apparently irresponsible, we were grounded (I was GROUNDED! At my age! Can you believe it?) from the computer... still can't believe it. All I did was forget to cook dinner. Anyway...

I have developed two new obsessions. (Widge, you can ignore this as you already know) One is the Phantom of the Opera - the phantom himself, I mean. I know RK and I already agreed he was way better than Raoul and that we would most certainly have fallen in love with him rather than said Viscount... But seriously, after seeing the movie I have decided the Phantom is the hottest and most seductive gentleman ever portrayed on stage or elsewhere. Even with the whole "loathsome gargoyle" face thing, I was so jealous of Christine in that last scene - she got to kiss the Phantom! Bah! Yes, although I didn't actually like his singing voice that much, Gerard Butler is my new hero based solely on his undeniable magnetism.

So there's that.

I also have become obsessed with E Nomine, a German gothic group who does the most awesome techno music ever. Sometimes they remind me of Rammstein, which of course makes me happy, but they are very much their own sound... Mitternacht is one of the best techno songs I have ever heard, with the unusual triple-beat one occasionally but rarely gets, chanting in Latin, and scary maniacal laughter very once in a while. It can get no better. Mmmmm...

So anyway, that was pretty boring subject matter. I would try to be entertaining and all, but today is my lazy day. In fact, I'm still unwashed and in my pajamas (yes, I own pajamas!) at 2:00 in the afternoon. I am also extremely sore and tired from my first skiing of the season as of yesterday, and disinclined to do anything useful. I had planned on updating my DevArt account - unlikely that'll happen.

So instead I've been reading scary stalker mysteries and eating Yoplait's custard-style vanilla yogurt and listening to the Phantom soundtrack all day. Ah, the joys of vacation! Unfortunately, I may have to work for the rest of my stay here, which absolutely sucks as I hate my job. Oh well.

So now you know everything that's important (or rather, everything I could think of at the moment) and a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter. Lucky you! Hope everyone's vacation is going swimmingly. From the sounds of things, it is at least interesting for everyone.

As for me, my thoughts are already turning to Merry England and wondering what the rapidly approaching New Year has in store. Funny I should want school back already, isn’t it? But seriously, the thought of having to work has totally diminished my pleasure at being home.

Cheers, all.


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