a ::the smoke zone::: The Smoker Hall of Fame


The Smoker Hall of Fame

I suggest that we start a smoker hall of fame for stupid choses, comments, etc that do not have serious reprocussions. And to start us off I have an entry to be considered.
For various reasons explained in my personal blog I found my self with a snowboard that I couldn't ride with a ways down to the bottom of the slope. So to speed my downward process I decided to take a "short cut" down a slope that wasn't groomed for skiing. To top this off I decide to use the snowboard, which I can't control, as a sled. While the first bit was fun I los the snowboard and had to climb 12 ft up a 55% degree angle slope of 2-3 ft of unpacked powder, not fun. I took it easy the rest of the way down but ended up losing my camera and Rachelle's on the way down. Having no idea where I had lost them I decided the best plan of action was to get to get my skis back and take that slope in a way I had a little more control. I headed up the lift without my hat for some reason and my hair was frozen stiff by the time I got to the top. To add insult to injury it was almost white out at the top so I had to rethinki my plan of going down the powder in skis. So I now decided to got to where I came out of the powder and climb back up. This took me a good half an hour but I am happy to say I did find the goggles and camera and am left with only a sore bum and headache. Well on to Paris, see you guy soon


At 1:27 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Wow. That's amazing. I really don't have anything else to say about that. That is just amazing.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

The thing is, I topped it only a matter of hours later by leaving my passport in Austria. I am such a smoker.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Wow, you really are. I bow to the smkrdom. I bow.


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