a ::the smoke zone::: Widge, this is your fault!


Widge, this is your fault!

Count this as revenge for your text!

Well since everyone else is acting all funkified and weirded out, I figured I'd better jump on the bandwagon before it came and ran me over headlong. So here it is - a post of nothing.

That's right - absolutely and utterly nothing.

Enjoy it while you can. It may not hold....I may feel profundity coming upon me at any...

What is the meaning of life? Is there an end goal to what we call pursuit of happiness? Is there any....

...No, must fight it! Cannot talk about anything! Must struggle harder against the will to say something reasonable....Must fight harder!....Cannot give....

The universe is ever expanding, or ever imploding, and I find that oft times I must ask myself...

...NO! Can....not...do...it....must....hold....out....long....

If there is a loving god in this world, how is it that he/she can stand to see....

...working....so....hard to remain.....pointless.....must not....address......real....issue.....

Sometimes, I wonder if I am just seeking for something in this world that I can never find. I wonder, far too often I feel, if I am just a lost seeker in a world full of....

....must assume....stance of.....nonesense.....cannot be.....logical....must fight off.....demons of.....rationality.....must be.....aimless....cannot fight......any....longer...must give....in....to......

The idea that there is some better good, some greater goal sometimes make me re-evaluate the ways in which I treat others that I come in contact with. Now whether daily or simply a random meeting of a stranger....

...Oh Heavens! That's it! I can't do it, y'all. I just can't assume the same pointlessness that must be a sort of talent within yourselves. I am proud of my random little buddies....but as you can see...

I am just a failure. I just can't.

Sigh. And such a pity too. I could have made such beautiful random babble. Such lovely nonesense that all the world would have upheld it as the most wonderful thing in this generation.

But sadly, I am incapable of being pointless. You must forgive me.



At 9:28 PM, Blogger Frankie said...

Oh Becks... You used He/She... the cockels of my heart are warmed. We may make a feminist out of you yet! ;)

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Not, not, not my fault.
I don't see what's wrong with wanting to have a slightly different look to my posts.
I mean, hey, it's only a little smaller, yours is purple.
Come on, after all that time we spent trying to find colors that fit the scheme you choose purple?

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

That's right Buddy! PURPLE!!!!And by the way, it is in fact your fault. So there!

At 4:03 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Now I'm the one feeling guilt-tripped for being pointless. I will defend myself by saying I have been stressed and not really having the time of my life here at home and being nutty, random, and pointless is sometimes the only thing one can do to cope with something like that. Perhaps later I will come up with something pithy enough to make you proud.


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