a ::the smoke zone::: *Grins maniacally and sprouts antennae*


*Grins maniacally and sprouts antennae*


Ah, the profundity of me!

I wanted to use the verb "sprout" in a sentence up there. I like that sentence. It is a good sentence. Ok, maybe not a good one but that doesn't mean I'm not an alien-I mean, er - look at the kitty!

This is me wasting time and attempting to prolong my lunch break (I can't believe I'm working! Bah!)by writing nonsense just to fill up space. That is why I have also commented on practically every post so far (also since no one commented on mine, I am attempting to guilt-trip peopl-oops, my secret is revealed! Erm, ignore this whole parenthetical statement! It never happened!)

Also also, I had very little sleep last night since I was up almost all night because the gods of drawing demanded I give myself carpal tunnel coloring one of my drawings with my sister's pencils. It looks half-good, I must color MORE! Curse the gods of drawing!

Must - hit - head - on - something -

Ok all better. Bye-bye now.


At 8:57 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Guilt ridden and anxious, I come and bow humbly before you, Oh queen of such comments that my skull cannot hope to comprehent. Please forgive all the ungrateful smkrs who do not comment. May they be smited by your might ha....

*comes out of a trance-like state* Wow, that was just not right. In other news: I am greatly confused by the plethora of pointless posting. It makes my heart....do...floppy thingies inside my chest.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

That worked last time...
Ok well anyway, this is the obligatory post so that whatever Rali didn't finish saying won't happen to me too!

At 3:58 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Are you two mocking me? *glares ferociously* AH well, that's practically the point of my existence anyway.

Also - who here likes Dark chocolate?

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Dark chocolate?
Ya it's pretty good.
But I think I like bitter chocolate best.


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