a ::the smoke zone::: Fine. Don't post. Don't comment.


Fine. Don't post. Don't comment.

I've been home for what at least has felt like quite a while. I still have two suitcases packed, and I'm packing a third. But that's because I'm off to a tropical paradise. I know - be jealous. Pft! I totally would be were I any of you!

That aside of course, this summer is so damn hectic! I swear *rolls eyes* I will be living out of a suitcase literally ALL summer long. Oh, and if you are jealous of me - just pack up a week's worth of clothing (sometimes two or three), shove it all in a suitcase, and live like that. See if you don't get tired of it!

But what am I complaining about?! Oh, nothing much. Just really trying to make you all feel better for being left behind. Ha! I know, I'mma genius. You don't have to tell me.

Ok. Right. I'm so done with this. Please people - update. And if you don't have the stamina to do that...at least Comment!!! Gosh. Honestly.

Yes. So - over and out.


PS. This is still on UK time - but ooh look, I don't care.

'Ooh look, CORN!'

...I'm done. I promise


At 10:25 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Nice attempt to make us slightly less jealous and spiteful. But come on. "Try living out of a suitcase with a week (or two or three)'s worth of clothes"? That's what I did in England; I'm sure I could do it in Hawaii. So I just am more jealous and spiteful. Cheers.
As for updating, I have tons of other things I'm doing other than posting in blogs. Ya know, like sleeping or staring vacantly at the television.

'Ooh look, SOYBEAN!'

At 2:26 AM, Blogger Avi said...

I AM commenting. See? I've only been back a week, give me some slack! I do need to start posting and stuff again... home is just such a different environment that I don't remember all the things I used to do. Oh well...

'Ooh look...oats?'

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

In refuse to comment on moral grounds... dang it I, that was a comment.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

How do you edit a comment?

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

You click the trashcan next to it and re-write it. Then we all think you are hiding some horrid detail about my post to us because you deleted it and that obviously means you re-thought your level of honesty and decided you could never be that honest - so you deleted it and put in a "nice" comment...*sigh* Oh nevermind. I have no idea what I'm on about!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 3:57 AM, Blogger Avi said...

It would have been funnier if it had been

"fateduel said...

this post has been removed by the administration"

or something. That's what I thought it was to begin with. Sometime, if possible, RK should totally do that.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

While we're at it...heh

Okay, so Avi: That would be funny -- but Widge's point was that he obviously had some horridly honest comment - that he immediately rethought.

Heh, funny Widge *rolls eyes*. No really though -- Kudos on the joke.

And lastly...

Ooh look, CORN! :D
"Here you are, Aisle 34."
'So, umm can we rent a tent?'
"Psh. Tents? There's no room for tents! Here's an umbrella."
'No, that's fine. *sigh* We brought umbrellas.'

At 3:18 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Umbrellas that didn't get more than a gallon of rain.
In fact, I don't think my umbrella has gotten more than a gallon of rain, in total.

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

You knew that was inevitable.


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