a ::the smoke zone::: Now it's just <i>sad</i>


Now it's just sad

I'm posting because I feel this blog has been bereft of posts for long enough. It's just well...yeah. It's sad.

Another thing that is sad: we were so much cooler last semester. We had tea parties all the time, pulled all nighters together, went on trips all the time. In fact, we were always going somewhere or doing something. And now?

Well, let's face it. We've all just gotten boring. We sit in our own rooms, on our own computers, and never go anywhere or do anything. We hardly walk into town, we don't do 4 am runs to the BP anymore. We're lame.

And it's sad.

It makes me want to go home so my life can be more interesting.

And that is really sad. But now its far too late to change anything (sigh). So we will finish out the year being lame.

Again - that's just sad.



At 3:20 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Haven't we already gone over this conversation once before?
If we want to do stuff, we'll do it.
We are going to Ireland next weekend.
We've gone to Pizza Hut and The Bridge and The Weathervane at least 10x the amount last semester.
It's like a relationship that has stopped being spontaneous and exiting but has become comfortable and relaxed:
we still have fun, just in different ways.

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Hmmm... I agree w/ Widge to a certain degree, but I think we need more excitement. My solution: clubbing! I would be happy if we went to Cheers every weekend... Ok, I realize that's implausible and Widge and Daphne don't even like it (or Daphne doesn't seem to - I don't even know how she feels about it)but still... *longing sigh*

At 12:20 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Oh, and I think we'll use this place more when we're back in our respective homebases - then the smk zn can be our way of kind of keeping each other posted on our various excitements or lack thereof. And I've been putting all the things I've been wanting to say on my main blog (with surprising frequency!) so go read it, ja! Or don't. whichever.


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