a ::the smoke zone::: London, fair city, we weep with thee


London, fair city, we weep with thee

For those of you still simply rejoicing over the choice of London for the 2012 Olympic games this joyeous occation has taken on a sour face. In the past 24 hrs there have been 4 bombings, 3 in subways and 1 on a bus. With the connection that we smkrs have developed to that city over the past year this tragedy hits harder than it normally would an american. We need to pray for our friends and the country which gave us such great memories.

I am still waiting to hear back from our bald director to see if there is anyone specific we should be praying for.


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Dear goodness gracious.
What news is this? Are the bombings willy-nilly as they say or are they organized by some organization of sorts? When did this happen?
Lack of current knowledge is what happens when you don't watch the news.
Ok, I just turned on the tv, against all my better judgement.
Morning rush hour bombings at Edgeware Road, King's Cross, Tavistock Square, and Liverpool St.
30+ killed. The government are treating it as a terrorist attack, all traffic has been stopped in and out of London, and some group has claimed responsiblity but it's currently unknown whether they are or not.
I will be incredibly interested in England's reaction.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

This update in; our bald director is ok and does not know of any Newboldian involved. On a side note, he overslept this morning or he would have been at Edgeware station about the time of the bombing.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Avi said...

OY! I'm so glad le director is OK - especially considering how close the call was - wow, I didn't realize he'd have been there... always seems to happen that way. And our Newboldean friends haven't replied to my emails yet even though I know they're fine.


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