a ::the smoke zone::: This started out as a comment


This started out as a comment

I'm late in on this one. Being at work and all -- but I have heard. Just like I found out about 9-11, in fact. Halfway between awake and dead when suddenly the door springs open to hear -- there's been an attack! Suddenly, things don't really make much sense. But it takes until the end of the day for it to sink it. Takes the tiredness and surreality of it to shake off before you comprehend. Before you understand. Before you start to think...

Thank God.

What mourning would have come should our director be harmed by such...brutality? Such ignorant, blatant disregard for life. Such intentional malice. I mourn for those gone, for those families shattered - wounded - scarred. But I rejoice that we should not be the ones. As selfish as it is, we have to rejoice. Have a right to rejoice. Have a responsibility to rejoice. Don't we?

And yet, the horrendous selfishness of the attackers - the blind evil that some people can do in the name of some cause they choose seriously impares the ability, the capacity, the reverie needed to rejoice. The inborn ability to praise God's provisions - despite.

Humans can be such evil, vile, horrible little creatures. When thinking they're right, good, planning out how the world will get better - how they'll get senior high teachers back for the damage done to them. But they don't see it. They're just being ugly. They're just playing the role they were conditioned to play, built to re-enact when on display. They're just twisted little pawns, and they're playing the game just right.

And it isn't fair to those who have to die. Those who have to suffer - to hurt - to mourn. It isn't fair, but more - it isn't right. They ought to learn some other way. Ought to go about seeking causes - in other ways. Ought to value life. Ought to value others. Ought to value themselves.

But we all can do it, you know. Armies and soldiers and children with playground rules. We all have done it; all will do it. Unless we watch - we'll be ugly and twisted too. Selfish, ugly creatures being ugly pawns this world built us to be. And we'll have the world look at us and call us ugly and blind. And they'll be right.

But for now, it's them. And it's we who are left with the debris, the rubble, the shattered faith in fragile things that's got to heal before we go on. The stopped city streets - the numb slumber in a city that was built to never sleep, never stop. The empty tube stations where there's still marks from the blast. The ripped up shreds of a bus where probably, some little girl breathed her last. The fear in the hearts of her parents, her cousins, her countrymen.

The proud. The brave. The strong. All left with this. Debris. Rubble. Black veils over caskets we'll never bury in ground that's still too warm. Echoes of footfalls that fell their last in fear, in wide-eyed despair, only hoping or some praying that it wasn't the end. In shock, dismay, unbelief.

All the country - left to clean up. All the world, left to sit there and wonder. Whose next? To be terrorized, to be the fallen angel igniting supermarkets to fire just in search of your meaning.

And who will be next. To be left behind - to clean it all up.

And mourn.



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