a ::the smoke zone::: Shifting Paradigms...


Shifting Paradigms...

I've got one for you guys. What would you say if, after three years of shifting above and below average grades, your parents, in digust at yet another low point in your academic standing, decided to pull all funding for school for at least 2 years and made (not suggested but made) you have to consider such options as a) joining the navy. b) joining the airforce. c) joining the coast guard. d) joining the peace corps. or e) joining americorps?

How would you react to such an ultimatum? How would you go about re-evaluating your life in the face of such a paradigm shift?

Well if you haven't guessed by now this is not just a casual problem that I threw out there for $h175 and giggles. This is my life as of this moment in time. School is no longer an option. My parents are tired of this back and forth and are no longer willing to support me in, as they call it, "ramming my head repeatedly into a wall." They think i'm not motivated enough or don't know exactly what I want to warrent spending more time and money on college. In some ways I agree with them but I never EVER expected them to do something like this. If I join up I will be the first in my family for three generations that will have gone into military service. What that would do to my grandparents isn't something I want to think about. Personally I don't see myself going for the Peacecorps or Americorps though. Granted there are more options out there I think. These are only the ones my parents considered. The Oregon Air National Guard would keep me near by and allow me to keep another job. Thats the only other one i've really thought of though. I'm in the process of looking around though so any suggestions you guys can offer I would be happy to at least think about or investigate. I wanna see what you guys think about this.


At 2:21 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

That's a tough question. But I would only opt for any of the serives if you really feel that is what you want to do. If it's not, then I think it would be a terrible mistake to devote so much of your life to it. At the same time, if you go into the reserves, you get quite a bit of pay and you get help paying for school, etc I believe.

There is always the "get a job" option. It's not exactly glamourous, but it could pass the time while supporting you as you figure out what you want to do.

Or, there is always the apply for an ass-laod of student aide, which might work if you really wanted to continue school. I know plenty of banks give out student loans that you can finance school with.

Honestly, I haven't the greatest ideas, I bet. but if I come up with anything else, I will drop it your way.

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I'd have to agree with what Rali said. I mean , we have very similar minds anyway :)
But yeah, be wary of joining the service unless you really think you want to. The reserves might not be a bad idea. You remember Faifer? That's what he did. He is in boot camp right now. Probably sleeping as it is 00:19 hours ;) He's planning to use the money for some sort of college.
Although I've heard that they aren't letting people out of the reserves now. That's something to think about.

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Actually i'm now thinking about something another friend suggested, that I take out a bunch of loans and just continue college on my own away from home. I did better it seemed when away from home and I did better here when I payed my way. Combine the two and I may have enough motivation to continue on. And you're right you two, I don't really WANT military service...its just something to do. Gotta think about it.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

So now I'm just another friend? Granted it was Ducky who asked why you didn't just continue college but the combination and connection to earlier motivation was all mine.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Ah, well I just gave the credit to her, not you. I don't think you need the credit cause I already assume you'll think of everything so why bother. You don't need to horde it dear. Lets some others have the glory every once in a while. ;)

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Yes, we all know mom knows what's what! And I have no advice to add except that one should never join the military because one's parents have forced one to consider it. EVER.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Actually the military is pretty far down on my list at the moment. If I did have to join though it'd be the Oregon Air National Guard.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I think getting a ton of student loans and such is pretty much the only way to do it these days. That's certainly what I will have to do.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Yeah its true. The only place loans aren't required is community college. And then its only barely. If its going to happen anyway if I continue then I might as well get started now.

Course I am also looking into student missionary and taskforce work. Like I said before now would be a perfect time to head over to Japan and fulfill that dream.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Go to Japan, and take me with you!!!

At 12:56 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

hahahaha...I don't think your man to be would like that. Though it would be nice to have someone I know along with me. If I go I wonder who I might be able to pull along with me.


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