a ::the smoke zone::: November 2006



As peoples are no longer following the comments on the last post and therefor not voting I thought I would revive the subject with a new post.
It is not, however, a Uncle Sam <> kind of message.
I've had an idea that would change my first idea.

As avid Make Poverty History supporters and generally philanthropic minded youngesters I noticed a flaw in our ideas and the way we would spend our funds. So, to rectify this flaw I am suggesting that we all take the $15-$20 we would have spent on one SMKR or another and instead purchase something from ADRA's Christmas catalog instead.

We in America are so wealthy that we give money to "charities" that support functions beyond the basics needed to live. While we restore old buildings and pay for research into disease that while they will kill you chances are you will still have a better life while your dying than those who are simple concerned about where their next meal is coming from or whether they will freeze to death tonight because they don't have a sheltered place to live.

Just think about this, we have 5 SMKRS and if we each put in $15 (5 x $15 = $75) we can buy 300 meals for the poor elderly of Kyrgyzstan ( 400 if we each put in $20). Even better, if we help ADRA with their current food security appeal, our funds will be matched 6 times making our $75-$100 worth $525-$700 of food security for the people that can't even conceive of having the extra funds fo a Christmas Tree, Stockings, Gifts or Dinner. This is what I want for Christmas.


Springtime for Hitler and Germany...

Wait, completely wrong season.
It is time for snow and sweats and awsome presenty goodness.
But darn it all, with so many people to buy for how will I be able to give everyone a gift?
I know I will force a name picking ritual on groups of friends therefore decreasing the sheer volume of gifts that must be purchased.
But how can this be applied to the smokers because I will of course buy something for Vala no matter what and the same must be said between Widge and Rali.
Let's see can it be done?
Rali Daphne
Widge Vala
Daphne Avi
Vala Rali
Avi Widge
Oh joyeous joys it works, it works!
Now how will I convince them?
Should we set a price limit?
Should we just toss it all?
Or should we have our own little exchange in January when you all arrive for <> Christmasy goodness, say Christamsy goodness <> Christmasy goodness.
<> Votes are now being taken in the comment section. Please reply promptly <>
'Tis the season to be doomy. Doom doom doom doom doom da doom doom doom!



We are dangerously near to spontaneous self-combustion. We have spent our resources, have come up dry on several accounts, and have given up hope. The direction we were traveling in is now considered obsolete. We are running out of options and are nearing serious consequences as a direct result.

Please advise.


A Weekend in Pictures...

I've finally gotten around to uploading some of my pictures from Kumoricon Weekend to my computer and, as promised in my blog, I shall produce them for your viewing consumption. I won't make blogger struggle to host these pics so i'll just link em. For those of you who don't know what Kumoricon is about...its Portland's local Anime and Game Convention... as if the 'con' part didn't give it away.

Now I know some of you haven't been to a 'con' yet but considering the history the smkrs have for odd outings and crazy weekend trips this seems to fit right in. Running on little sleep and odd foods, participating in weird activities and laughing at other people partaking in same, and generally having the times of your lives. Of course your trips were always missing one crutial element...Cosplayers. They can be broken down into various types and subtypes. Some of which include...

The Hotties http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a18/Valakun/ChunLeeKC06.jpg
The Not so Hotties http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a18/Valakun/MoonKC06.jpg
The Unique http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a18/Valakun/SakuraKC06.jpg
The Well Armed http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a18/Valakun/SaturnKC06.jpg
And...The Funny http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a18/Valakun/GirKC06.jpg

A few notes on the above pictures.
1. Both ChunLee and Haruko were drawing a ton of people. Not only were their costumes incredible they also posed in all the right ways. Needless to say many of the people asking for photos were guys.
2. Moon and Luna were, well, disturbing. Its tradition that at least one extremely bad Sailor Moon cosplayer be at every con. I found Kumoricon's sitting in the main hallway taking up space. I couldn't pass up the shot.
3. This particular Sakura was not only well done but unique in the fact that she was the only up to date version of the ninja girl in the entire con. This is Sakura's look in current Japanese manga time...far from the stuff regular US readers and watchers know.
4. It wasn't the fairly decent sailor fuku that drew me to Sailor Saturn, it was the stage steel Silence Glaive she was swinging that got my attention. I'm a suckers for sharp pointy objects, especially ones from a favorite show, movie, manga, or book.
5. There were 2 Gir cosplayers at the event. The other one was much better but I didn't get a great shot of him. This one, however, came out real well. And heck, its Gir!