a ::the smoke zone::: So what have you smuggled into a theater lately?


So what have you smuggled into a theater lately?

Randomness, spontinaety and all things smoker happened last Monday night. After giving Vala's little brother a ride home from rehearsal he got home and we decided that we had both been craving some transfatty Pizza Hut greasiness. Once ordered and on our way to pick it up we realized that if we hurried we could also make the Hood's 7 showing of "Flushed Away". Here comes the brillant idea, we'll hide the pizza in Loren's jacket and eat it while watching the movie. Everything went as planned until we got inside and opened the box only to remember our good friend gravity and see his handy work in smooshing the bottom half into the box in a cheesy, gooey mess. So here's my question, what have you guys smuggled into a theater that was zany or just didn't quite work like our pizza or Kramer's latte.



At 4:36 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

I was wondering when you'd post this. I almost did it myself cause it took you so long.

A note or two on the tale. It was a medium pizza so the box was barely small enough. Basically I looked fat in my old leather coat. Good thing the place was nearly empty.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Avi said...

BAHAHAHAHAHA. You know, I never attmpted to smuggle anything crazier than a jumbo-sized bag of chips in my coat.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Oh heck, me and Rali smuggle everything into the theater.
Nothing that insane but basically I get my messenger bag as you guys remember from the omnitopia and we put our popcorn popped from home, the peanut M&Ms from the gas station, and some soda in it. Then we just waltz into the theater as if we are totally not doing anything and ask for cups for ice.
Of course, even though we think we get away with it, everyone probably knows and just doesn't care ^^;

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Ha, that's not all I have smuggled in. Me and my family used to make it a tradition to all get dinner at Del Taco, shove it in my mom's purse, and eat it during the previews or first twenty minutes of the movie :D

That's including sodas and hot sauce! And none of it ended up smooshed against...anything :P

I know. I'm good.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

But...in reality, your story was really something that your mum should be praised for...
She was the one with the giant purse and the handling abilities to get all the goods inside, unsmooshed.


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