Avi is all creative and stuff!
So, I actually posted this in my OWN BLOG (NOOO, SAY IT ISN'T SO! CAN SUCH A THING BE POSSIBLE?) but just in case no one ever visits it anymore due to the disgusting lack of activity, I should show y'all here too.
Basically, I have this rather interesting class this quarter called "Aesthetics in Image and Text," which is a rather mysterious title in and of itself, and the class is much like it - very difficult to explain what it is about. I'd say it mostly explores rhetoric and the sort of traditions we as westerners have absorbed without even realizing how rhetorical they are. Case in point: the concept of the "Nuclear Family." We don't even realize how artificial the roles we have assigned to the family are unless something shakes that up.
Which is exactly what I have tried to do in this 60-second video that was one of the class requirements. And it makes me giggle oh so very much.
Nuclear Family
I love my friends here...
Basically, I have this rather interesting class this quarter called "Aesthetics in Image and Text," which is a rather mysterious title in and of itself, and the class is much like it - very difficult to explain what it is about. I'd say it mostly explores rhetoric and the sort of traditions we as westerners have absorbed without even realizing how rhetorical they are. Case in point: the concept of the "Nuclear Family." We don't even realize how artificial the roles we have assigned to the family are unless something shakes that up.
Which is exactly what I have tried to do in this 60-second video that was one of the class requirements. And it makes me giggle oh so very much.
Nuclear Family
I love my friends here...