a ::the smoke zone::: November 2007


Wow, that blogger thing is kinda creepy. I didn't have a clue what you were talking about, but...hmmm. Did you do that on purpose?

Anyway, on to other things. The prodigal has returned! (It's funny because prodigal didn't really mean what it means now, according to one of my pastors. It meant lavish and generous, rather than "runaway" or "the black sheep," but whatever. I can't even afford to be lavish and generous these days.)

Nightwish's new album is hella sexy. I don't know who of you is even a Nightwish fan (I'll bet R would like it though) but they got a new singer who rocks. I never thought the opera voice of the old one suited the metal sound, so kudos to their new choice. If you don't have the CD already, go to youtube and search for Nightwish's "Amaranth." I am totally hooked on it.

But THAT wasn't the reason for posting.

Actually, I can't remember my original goal at all. Bugger. Oh! I am just putting the word out that I am collecting a Christmas fund for myself so I can replace my broken wacom tablet pen. Selfish of me, I know, but for the first time I really have to watch my spending so I have money for rent. And I promised art to peoples and now I can't do it...*sigh*

Anyway, I am not plugging you guys for money so much as...aw hell, I totally am. If you wanted to get me a Christmas present but couldn't figure out what: any amount of money, $1 or more, would be smashing. Every little bit helps. The pen itself is 70 bucks.


New Post

You are insignificant.

As it is such a rare circumstance I thought I should announce here that there is a new post on my blog for any smkrs still interested.


Do I Insult it Back?

"You are insignificant."

Apparently i'm insignificant.
At least according to blogger or some random internet godling that is.

My response?


Bathroom Banter

As I stood in the public restroom line at Honolulu Airport, a middle-aged woman (30's) actually said the following, on her cell phone:

"Hi. Yeah, I'm here in Hawaii. (pause) Yeah, livin' the dream...(cont'd)"

Living? The dream?

This very clearly business woman, I am assuming, is either a) on a business trip or b) on a vacation certainly no longer than a few weeks. Most likely, she's on a business trip.

That's livin' the dream.

Oh, and by the way, we're here enjoying plate lunches, sushi, mochi, and the fresh Hawaiian water. And you aren't.

You weren't even invited.
Think about that one.


You are stupid.

I came to post this morning due to the lack of intelligent posting of late and a fun thing that happened this morning and found the above line sitting in the body of my new post. Now you must understand the full context and absurdity of it all. I signed in to blogger, clicked on the new post link under the smoke zone and the posting page came up with "You are stupid." sitting in the body section. I had looked away and when I saw it it rather stunned me and caused a silly little giggle to escape. So now my question, is this something that our great god of blogging stuck in for fun *wink at rali* or if it was a hiccup in the cosmic psyche of blogger? Any thoughts? Or could it be that simply am stupid? Well on to my original post material.
I had an awesome morning and it is only 9:42. The crazy guys in the above picture are local DJs and they do Kidsgiving every Thanksgiving where they raise money for a local charity that works with kids. They usually auction off stuff and also just have a line for donations and this year they are helping the Community Transitional School which provides school, clothes, meals, and stability for kids who's family is going through things and is homeless. This year they are auctioning off tickets to their Christmas Show which will be awesome, more comments to come, and I won! And it is so cool because the show will be awesome but it doesn't even matter. I've just come to this realization that tithe is important and supporting the church is important but that doesn't mean the tithe has to go to the church. So a big chunk of the tithe I had saved up is going to this and another chunk is going to a local enviromental group and I'm excited about tithing again. It isn't just 10% that disapears from my pay it's 10% that goes to things that I know I care about as well as supporting my church. I know a lot of 20 somethings don't pull out tithe, they figure they aren't making enough or they aren't sure they want to support the church in that way but it isn't something between you and the church, it is between you and God. So with that said I have two challenges for you.

1. Pay your tithe, if not to the church than to a worthy party that is doing good work, and don't let you income be an excuse. If you give faithfully you will be taken care of.
2. We talked about doing donations instead of gifts last Christmas and it kind of fell through. Well this year you guys aren't getting a penny from me but you will be getting donations in your names and I challenge you to do the same this Christmas. And for those who need some help ADRA has their The Original Really Useful Gift Catalog 2008 up on their website where you can find things from under a doller to over $10,000.

And the final thing, one of the singers that will be at the Nelson and Terry Christmas Show is a local, Sara Bareilles. I mention it because she is awesome and you guys need to check her out.

So there, we have silly, serious, and music all in one post. I am the current queen and you all must comment and post and dethrone me. Love you guys.



I posted all those drafts.

House-cleaning. You know.

Or maybe I was just being malevolent.

Who knows.

Anyways, drafts were annoying.

So now we all can read them (we all being everyone else in the world-wide-web who clearly cares about all the wonderfully clever things we say everyday!)



This is (apparently) a hummingbird moth.
I thought it should have been a hummingmoth.

Also, praying mantids eat hummingbirds.
How butt-awesome is that!