a ::the smoke zone::


Tonight is going to be a bad night. Hold me!

Heh, Reh cracks me up. Who but she would come up with these things?

Anyway, I have nothing useful to say except: I am reunited with my fiance at last! Rejoice with me, my friends! I will never have to be parted from him long-term again. *Tries not to sound creepy*

Out of curiosity, be the Contextualists in the Portland area yet? Y'all should try to make a weekend trip to visit us or summat, since my THREE JOBS won't let me have more than one day to myself per week. I was lucky to get even that - in fact, I had to threaten to quit one of them before she gave me Saturday off. (I really had been trying to quit, actually. Oh well, I guess I'm a sucker for desperation. And raises and the offer of Saturdays off.)

Now that you know all about the boring life in Avi-land, I do have some questions: What do y'all want to do for a bachelor/-ette party? Buttereyes and I agree that we should do a joint one - the day before, I assume? That'd be Saturday night, the 27th of December. My supposed maids/trons of honor and NE's (sorry, easier than typing Buttereyes every time) best man/woman haven't given any indication one way or another, so ideas?


At 12:52 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Trust your maids/trons, they are not completely negligent and they do have some time. Besides, outside of that little tidbit about wanting something joint you don't really get much say in it. And honestly, it would work better to do a joint shower but keep the night before girly or guyie.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

The boys could always have a halo rematch. j/k Daphne and I also have an ever expanding box of munchkin cards that everyone can get in on.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Avi said...

I have to politely disagree with you, Daph. I don't really think I want a "girly" party for me. Also, hands are tied on the shower anyway - I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to plan that sort of thing.

Our bestish people probably haven't even started thinking about bach parties. I was mostly wondering about date/time for it. and your ideas on that.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Let me explain why we can't do separate guy/girl parties, just so you can see: NE's side, his "groomsmen," includes two girls. My side, my "bridesmaids," include a guy. Dividing them up by gender would be kind of rude to them.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Well, we have been away for a while (as should be clear, unless no-one simply noticed and everyone really does just not care if we are alive or dead...which I wouldn't doubt too much because we aren't exactly the most awesome people on the planet or anything. That said...)

As for being in Portland, the move (it looks like *knocks on nearby wood, or pretends to*) will be taking place sometime around Sept 6-9. After that, we've got to find jobs (still) and Fate's got to get school squared away. Then, we might be able to think again, haha.

As for bach-ish things, I approve of jointness. It is much more moveable (wow. I must be tired...) As for what to do, I have no idea. And, probably any of my ideas at this time of night would be horribly distasteful or just stupid anyway. So I might as well refrain.
If we think of anything when its more reasonable to do so, we will let yous know.

Oh, and congrats. Just don't get too sick of him after a while (looks knowingly at the now sleeping Fate.) Go figure.

And I have no idea about that comment. Blame someone less rational next time :p

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Hehe, you should know I DID note your absence, Rali dear. Good to hear from you anyway, and good luck getting everything squared away! I know how you feel.


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