a ::the smoke zone::: The Funny Things Our Tongues Do...


The Funny Things Our Tongues Do...

Every now and then someone will say something that is so delightfully silly you can't help but spread the joy. "Walketpotch" is our baseline here and one that still gets a chuckle from me even after three or so years. One such instance of verbal slippage happened yesterday as Daphne and I were driving back towards Gresham after a meeting with our marriage counciler. Daphne, busy attempting to get out of the parkinglot, asked if it would be alright if I helped her take care of a bit of car work that needed doing. Her exact words were...and I quote..."tires in the air" instead of "air in the tires". She, of course, was unaware of her mistake. I however had caught the slip and promptly busted up laughing and told her, in no uncertain terms, that I would be sharing such delightful bit of wordage with our friends. And I have done just that.

PS - The blog is demanding I marry it now. This after it repeatedly insulted me. Bipolar perhaps?


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I keep meaning to leave some amusing comment to add to this idea - as Fate and I are constantly saying things wrong/backwards/inaudibly/simply just stupidly, but everytime I begin to come up with something I am either: a) at work and someone walks in who wants/"needs" something from me, b) have entirely forgotton any or all examples of such inept speaking (which is really pathetic because there were two yesterday and one was right before we went to bed), c) just don't have anything to say at all.

Right now is a good mixture of b & c, and I wish a, but that would probably have meant this getting deleted and not posted for (literally) the fourth time. So I'm going with it.

Here's a pointless comment about nothing at all, and certainly nothing to do with the post it is "commenting" on.

Oh, and this blog has strange ways of communicating its feelings for people. I'm afraid of it.

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Avi said...

I'm sure you are.


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