a ::the smoke zone::: Happy News Yar!


Happy News Yar!

Fellow friends and crackpots:

I wish thee all the happiest of happy new years. May all of your...erm, smkr wishes...erm....come...uhh...true.

May the year be filled with...smkr-ish....umm....things.

And may you all...uhhh....prosper in your....erm....smk...ways.

Sigh. Okay so this is harder than I thought it was going to be.

Let's just put it this way, shall we then?

Have a good year doing whatever smkry things you do and prospering in whatever smkry ways you choose -

And may you come out better the other end anyway!



At 10:23 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

A full year of smkrificishness!?
You're the best prophecier EVAH!
Watch out for such smkr things as:
Me doing *all* my work ONTIME!! (collective "oooh")
Avi not losing *any* tickets!! (collective "ahhh")
Ande having a *sane* and *viable* reason for EVERYTHING she does!! (fainting)
and Rali not caring if people poke her!! (collective shudder and a few whispered mutterings of, "...but would that be a good thing?"
Don't forget the standard Hell freezing over, pigs flying, and the Red So- oh wait...

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Gyah shut up about the tickets! I am ashamed.
It did make me chuckle though. Ok, snicker. Oh hell, I burst out laughing - and woke my napping Dad up - when I read what the New Year will (never) have in store for us, the smkrs of smkrdom.


At 8:34 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

It is incessantly amusing to me that we are so easily made fun of by ourselves. I mean...do other people live this way?!

Oh, and I think my life would be completely thrown out of kilter if Widge ever got rid of all his monkey hair *gasping, choking, sputtering*


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I didn't get rid of it, to be sure.
BUT you will be delighted to know that I bought a trimmer and have trimmed it and will keep it trimmed.
Take that.


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