a ::the smoke zone::: eXtreme everything


eXtreme everything

Do not feel betrayed my dears for my lack of communication once arriving at my final destination in Seaview. I'm afraid my cell phone was inoperable and I couldn't get ahold of you, neither you me. Oh well, our hosts had us swamped with activity nonetheless. There was no "rest and relaxation" day as was promised, instead my time was taken with such "natural" activities as fishing and kayaking and such. I'm very sorry I couldn't get ahold of you to get you all down there, I'm sure our plesant hosts wouldn't have minded a few more people. And you could have had so much fun kayaking with us --
on spits of water surrounded by tall grass, seeding us for later growth. Oh and my kayak was tweaked so that when I paddled forward it dragged right to such an extreme that with only a few strokes I had done a 180.
Actually in true smkr form I enjoyed the brush paddling better than the open water. Maybe something in me subconciously likened it to Lewis and Clark or some other ridiculous pioneer story and nostalgia took over from there.
Our host (whom I mentioned previously) needs to be inducted into the smkr hall of fame. I have never seen a grown man with so much insane energy. It was like "everything...to the max" or something. His games of (what I have dubbed) eXtreme ping-pong lasted for hours without scoring but a lot of belly diving onto the table as well as use of the rafters. Turn on music and suddenly there was a dancing percussionist, tapping on children's music sticks or sandblocks or the kazoo. And speaking of dancing, he greeted us with a giant scar on his head: any care to guess what from? Oh and it was he who chose the "river" for us to paddl- sorry forge our way through.
But really? You all probably would have loved him. Just like I did. Which is why we are all smkrs.
When me mum's bf develops his pictures I'll scan a few in and link to them. There's one story that I will need the picture to prove or I'm sure you won't believe me. Until then,


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Avi said...

I LOVE kayaking! Even though I get very wet.

Sounds like good outdoors-y fun! And the smkr gentleman sounds VERY entertaining. How did you like the Pacific Northwest, then? (very loaded question, hehe)

At 7:18 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

twas, twas. As for the Northwest (of the Pacific variety) it was nice but I don't think I can say yet because we had unusually awesome weather. It was sunny and cloudless the whole week. From what I hear, that isn't really usual

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Heh, wish I could dispute that... During the summer we DO get our fair shair of nice days, usually. This summer we haven't had enough though.

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Since I have nothing of any value to add to all of this, of which I actually understand little to nothing - I'll simply add what I feel I can:

You're name is /span? Is that a new designation or did I miss something?

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

one has to end your post closing the span tag.
ya know "span style=etc"
I've put that on there from time to time just as something else to close off a post with.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

And here I thought I was mocking you. Pity. That makes my comment not only utterly useless but also uninformed.

Go me. :|


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