a ::the smoke zone::: Work Sucks.


Work Sucks.

No, literally. It sucks the life out of me - my will, my energy. I leave work at 4:30 and proceed to do a whole lot of nothing for the rest of the day, displaying a definite listlessness for anything other than reading and a casual internet-surfing - as evidenced by my sadly neglected blog. And here is the ultimate proof of my job's life-absorbing capabilities: I haven't done any new art in ages, while at Newbold - well, you guys know better than anyone how much time I MADE for that when I should have been studying. Now I have the whole evening and I can't even bring myself to dig out the ol' drawing pad. Pity me. Work is the ultimate Killjoy. Look: it even sucks the creativity out of my blogging!

An interesting fact I disovered recently on msn: people can get fired for blogging unfavorably about their jobs, and for blogging during work hours. Funny, huh?


At 12:29 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I know, I haven't written any poems in a while, however me and Faifer have been writing music quite a bit.
As for the bit about blogging you heard on MSN: that's insane. I mean, I can see why the employers would be annoyed that you are writing unfavorably about the work conditions, that shouldn't be grounds for firing but for like...I dunno, talking and working something out. It's far too easy to just toss something out rather than try to fix it.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Avi, I agree - I'm totally feeling that. And you, Widge - you have no idea.

Try doing something for 7 hours a day that sucks your will to get up in the morning, then destroys your will to go on living once you're done. Imagine fifteen minutes passing in the length of twenty hours. Imagine something so intensely unbearable you would rather not exist than face the idea of doing it again.

Imagine that and compare it to riding in a car, rockin' out with your bud, writing songs, enjoying your time however you want.

Absolutely not the same thing.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Psh, yeah cus' I've never had a job before ever. Nothing had ever sucked the life out of my soul and make me forget what life is about.
I have NO IDEA.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Yeah, geez Widge, are you ever going to get a job? I thought that was why you weren't going to go back to college!

*is secretly jealous that he can get away with being a slacker*

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Whoa, freaky weird. You posted a reply at the same time that I was posting...

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Brandy R. said...

Just because I love chiming in as much as this particular topic, yeah "Widge", when WILL you get a job?

At 8:23 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Well Widge, I'm glad you see things my way. ;)


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