a ::the smoke zone::: December 2005



Yellow is the color of flowers undrawn
Blue is the color of passion unthawed
Green is the color of life rare & raw

Blue is the color of crying eyes unseen
Red is the color of blood flowing free
Violet is the colored sky under you, over me

Red is the color of love unrefined
Yellow is the color of gold without shine
Orange is the color of fire burning our insides

Black is the color of mourning, of sleep
White is the color of memory, failed to conceive
Grey is the color of muddled pain without cease

-RLL (c)2005

I might harbor this more. It's rather raw. Maybe you know why...


Deep, breathy, amazed and shocked intake of air!

As I read the comics this morning I got to the last panel of this particular one, looked at the pig, pointed a finger and laughed, "Widge!" The expression is so characteristic of some of his more sarcastic amazed moments. The more I thought about it the more I realized that pig and rat's relationship is somewhat of a gross parady of Widge and Rali's relationship. Had Widge done anything so cheesy as what is shown above before he was in the current good graces he has found her response would no doubt have been similar if not in action than at least in verbalized intent. You two are quite thouroughly entertaining.
On a slightly connected but still slightly distant note I have found that my melencholy, while firmly in check is not completely gone. While our current cd at ATL has at least four versions of, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" which I rather like singing along to it is another that remindes me of my melencholy. When the the tinkling music is telling everyone to, "have... (themselves) a merry little christmas" it is the line desiring unity, "when the fates allow" that saddens me and makes me worry that the fates are being to cruel in our current separation. It seems silly that these thoughts would continue so, especially with two others so much more in need of time together but they are there and I know now that I do not wish them to leave and at the same time I do not necessarily desire immediate alteration of circumstances. When the time comes in a few years to graduate and find work and decide on a location it may well be chosen in part with you three in mind but I can wait til then and will simply plague you with phone calls and text messages until the opportunity again reveals itself to do it in person.
It is interesting to see where a post will take you, from comedy to seriousness. Not always meant as such. But I will use this opportunity to quote something I hope you may all one day be familier with, "Even the drama that runs like a ribbon through the comedy serves its purpose by making the light moments better, by giving them something to be contrasted against and by giving the characters a depth not simply found in ordinary comedic chatter."


Is drivelling a verb?

My french toast this morning was miraculous. Vons-brand french toast loaf with egg-&-cinnamon miuxture composed by my father. Added: sour cream and sugar free Cozy-something brand syrup. Cut with fork and knife. Chew at LEAST 30 times. Aerate, swallow.


Other than that, I hate today. I have a group project for a class I honestly don't give a damn about. Because who wants to construct an ellaborately beautiful poster for a .5 unit class?! Answer: No one. But teachers don't always see things the way reality reveals them. It must be the lenses of academia are blurred.

But then again, I thought that was obvious.

No matter. All I have to do is complete these ridiculous projects and papers and tests, get a grade, pack a suitcase, and say goodbye to So Cal for a good two and some weeks.

However, once my winter snowglobe is cracked by reality, I'll be back again in the slums of mental degradation, called "college" or "uni". And then, it will be innumerably worse because I'm betting I'll be in college algebra, which will frustrate me on many counts. Two of those: A) I have already learned all this rubbish in high school, why do I have to prove yet AGAIN that I know it? B) I just hate math classes.

Okay, okay, so this is turning into a Rali-pity-party. What can I say? I must be taking cues from Av. Haha...Avi on a dowel.

Anyway, that was fairly pointless. In all honesty, I only wrote it because no one else is updating and I was working on CFR's template and wanted to be able to say that this was updated. So there it is, the background manipulation of my cynical efforts. Or somehting like that.

In other words, really, you could prevent things like this with a little more effort and updating. So there, you all fail.

And I win...

or something.

....gawd, this is uninspired.

I'm finished.
No, I'm done.
No wait, I'm...dead...**fire from heaven**...