a ::the smoke zone::: Deep, breathy, amazed and shocked intake of air!


Deep, breathy, amazed and shocked intake of air!

As I read the comics this morning I got to the last panel of this particular one, looked at the pig, pointed a finger and laughed, "Widge!" The expression is so characteristic of some of his more sarcastic amazed moments. The more I thought about it the more I realized that pig and rat's relationship is somewhat of a gross parady of Widge and Rali's relationship. Had Widge done anything so cheesy as what is shown above before he was in the current good graces he has found her response would no doubt have been similar if not in action than at least in verbalized intent. You two are quite thouroughly entertaining.
On a slightly connected but still slightly distant note I have found that my melencholy, while firmly in check is not completely gone. While our current cd at ATL has at least four versions of, "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" which I rather like singing along to it is another that remindes me of my melencholy. When the the tinkling music is telling everyone to, "have... (themselves) a merry little christmas" it is the line desiring unity, "when the fates allow" that saddens me and makes me worry that the fates are being to cruel in our current separation. It seems silly that these thoughts would continue so, especially with two others so much more in need of time together but they are there and I know now that I do not wish them to leave and at the same time I do not necessarily desire immediate alteration of circumstances. When the time comes in a few years to graduate and find work and decide on a location it may well be chosen in part with you three in mind but I can wait til then and will simply plague you with phone calls and text messages until the opportunity again reveals itself to do it in person.
It is interesting to see where a post will take you, from comedy to seriousness. Not always meant as such. But I will use this opportunity to quote something I hope you may all one day be familier with, "Even the drama that runs like a ribbon through the comedy serves its purpose by making the light moments better, by giving them something to be contrasted against and by giving the characters a depth not simply found in ordinary comedic chatter."


At 4:34 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Wait, would have? Oh no, no, no. He'd most certainly still get that response.

In fact, he often does ;D

And as for the serious turn, we never know what the future will bring -- but many good things are in store, despite the coming hardship, that's for certain.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Again, thanks for the heads up this morning. I'd be more worried then I am if you hadn't.

And how true that comic is. Sad. And Rali, u scare me sometimes. But then so does widge so I guess thats ok. I can't wait to see what the wedding will be like. Gehehehe.

Remember love, you cannot look forward without the past to guide you. Even if it can't stay as it was it'll always be there. You can ignore it all you want but it will remain, guiding you through the years. uh...I think I just spouted something.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

What was the last bit quoted from? And to what play or movie (I'm betting on play though) is it referring to?

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

It refers to something you will be familer with in the future. If Itold you now you would be familer with it in the present and the cat would have escaped.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

If anyone else didn't notice, cryptic comments are really killing things around here. Maybe I'll come up with more absurd stupidity whilst utterly avoiding finals for the millionth time in my life.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

Sorry for the crypticness but I am not sure I want to let you guys in on it yet or keep it for a surprise later. It just may well be significantly later is the problem. Doom

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I aquiesce. [or however you spell that]


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