a ::the smoke zone::: February 2008


We interupt your regularly scheduled silliness for this important news break!

Andunneana has posted, not just here but on her blog which has sat forgotten for years endless. What, you cry, could have prompted this posting? What could the content be? Why none other than pictures. Yes, pictures of a long heralded trip of valor and insanity. Of many sights not fore seen and disregard for the good advice to avoid invading Russia in the winter. Go, run, crawl to the blog or simply click the picture below. A picture of such smokerish sugar in St. Petersburg that it cried to be taken.

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.



While no longer insignificant, you are now - very unfortunately - ugly.
Hideously ugly.

And immoral.

And unjust.

And, I hate you.

Ok whoever started the "insignificant" bit has just taken a big step in the wrong direction. I found this latest addition by accident when I tried to reply to a post and hit New Post instead. And while I think these comments may have a grain of truth in them I don't believe it's necessary to be this rude.

The future! Yay!

If the Government wants your money, you can show them how nice and productive you've been and then you'll get to give them less.
But when they really want your money they'll give you $500 to go wild with. They'll expect a lot of money back: it's an investment to them.
I'm stuffing mine in my mattress.
It can be my social security.


For those of us who "lieben Deutsch."

(...I am still apparently insignificant.)

That aside, a professor told me today that the Germans officially did away with the umlaut two years ago or something like that - and the eszet (sp?) as well. I knew about the eszet, but the umlaut? Travesty! I'm glad I didn't notice anything like that when we were there. Did you, Rali?

I say we have a moment of silence for the official death of a pair of dots and a funny B-ish shaped sigil.