a ::the smoke zone::: For Your Consideration


For Your Consideration

I say it's about time to nominate a new member of the smoker clan.
Thus I would like to bring to your attention a possible nominatation of the newest fiance.

But, of course, before we can move to accepting or even voting on said fiance, he must first give us a ridiculous sydonym by which we can mockingly - I mean, lovingly and kindly, of course, refer to him.

Once said requirement has been satisfactorally fulfilled , I motion to accept said new fiance into the smokwerishness that is this blog.

Do I hear a second?

That reminds me, I get to watch "The Golden Campasss" for my consideration. I'll explain later...


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Wait whats this about a Fiance? I must be behind the times. In any case I second this motion. As a neo-smkr myself I must move to support others who are being considered like I myself once was.

And if it's who I think it is I move to call him "Mr Butterflies".

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Avi said...


...oh sweet Jesus. Mr. Butterflies? Really?

Anyway, guess I'll have to get around to giving him the URL for this place then. So he can, you know, actually see it for the first time.

P.S. Daphne didn't tell you, Vala? Shame on her. Yeah, I'm engaged. The proposal was adorable and geeky, and involved both D&D AND Portal. I don't know if it could get much better than that.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Nighteyes said...

You have my identity correct, sir. It is I, he who master-minded a prank on our dearest Avi in our very first meeting. It appears that I haven't scared her off now, and she has enough drugs infused in that ring I gave her to keep her agreeable until the wedding, so I think I'm around to stay. Unless she added another +1 to her Constitution score when she last leveled, but really, who does that?

I would respectfully disagree with the nomination for Mr. Butterflies, simply because it is too lengthy and, after time, will fall away into something horrific like butter, or flies, or BF and then we'll all think I'm Avi's boyfriend again or that I'm someone's best friend. No, no, it should be simple, elegant, suave. You can simply call me NE, if you desire. Although I still think I'm more Chaotic evil... >_>

It's nice to "meet" the two of ya's I haven't met already.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Oh lordy...DnD AND Portal?! I'm gonna have to remind you at your wedding, whenever that may be, to watch out for the cake. It may be a lie or it may contain Dark Reaver Powder...you never know.

Oh you sprung for a cursed item? Nice! Alas my engagement ring is only a +1. I'm looking at a wedding ring that would give me DR 1/adamantine though.

PS. I suppose it all depends on when Daphne got the information. She was gone this weekend so that could be it. Still it would have been nice to know sooner.

PPS. Don't worry, i'll just tack on Butterflies to the rest of your new name. Nighteyes Butterflies has a nice ring to it dontcha think?

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

I vote for butter! And I think Widge and Rali must be off making hatchlings or something. Their lack of comment is odd.

At 3:26 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Speaking of hatchlings, did no-one meet our hypothetically-never-unborn-child: YY?

Yvonne Yvette, to be exact.

She...or he... gets mail.
It's amazing how quickly he...or she... grew up. Already credit approved.

And as for all of this +1 and Butterflies. I demand explanations before god-of-smokezone-Rali will do anything or vote or deem any such names or new persons to the smkr clan.


Although, I think I may also move for Butter-

The dash is necessary, however.

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Buttereyes would also work.

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Its all in reference to Dungeons and Dragons Rali. My ring says "To infinity +1" on the inside and there's a ring in DnD that is a Ring of Protection +1 so I just call it my Ring of +1.

Butterflies, on the other hand, references a funny happening in a game of DnD I led in which Avi, Buttereyes, and Daphne all took part. Butter made a habit of entering any room that had enemies in it with a swarm of butterflies saying something along the lines of "My Kobold Brothern!" It was all very silly and it usually confused the Kobolds to no end.

When a six foot something armoured knight comes bursting into your room with a huge sword and a swarm of butterflies saying something about brotherhood and a party...and you're about two and a half feet tall...its pretty scary.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

And I misspelled brethren. I'm amazed I can function at all without spellcheck. Hell I had to CHECK to make sure I spelled function right.

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

:no one dares to look at the massing amount of typos in the post all of these comments reference*:

*Because if they do, I will ban them. And insult them.

And probably hit them, too. >.<

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Oh and to Mr. Buttereyes, if you haven't noticed yet - this is not a democracy.

You get whatever name everyone else likes.

That happens all the time here.
So get used to "Butter". Because everyone else apparently thinks its a great kick in the pants!

At 7:19 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I'm so behind with all you're Dungens and Dragons jokes it's not funny.
Me and Rali want to play!
This is weird. Opposed to most popular media portrayal, I feel like a loser for not having ever played it. I guess that's just in how generations change or something.

Oh and Buttereyes wins. Or Mr. Butterflies. Or Mr. Butter. Or Butter-.
My screen name here is Fateduel but you should call me Widge.
That's because I apparently am similar to a pidgeon. And my name as a pidgeon would be Widgeon.
Jasper Widgeon the Pidgeon (III).

These things just happen.
It's ok.

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

A) Widgey, that's because we are geeks and lamos who hang out with more geeks and lamos.
Most people think we're all geeks and lamos. Get a freaking clue.

B) Hell, no one can say anything. I'm a freaking Nice Biscuit who makes a difficult sandwich. Not to mention I smoke the Queen's MOCA.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

I think we may have scared him off.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Ah I never knew Widgeon was a pidgeon. That explains soo much. And i'll make sure you guys get a chance to play if you move up here. I DM alot so i'll set up a game for the four of us. *snicker*

*looks about* I do believe you're right Daphne...we scared him off. I didn't think that was possible. Maybe we're just saying too much too fast. We must be setting some kind of a record here with all these posts in such a small amount of time. We're never this vocal. Or at least the rest of you aren't.

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

We are when it's interesting, Vala.

And I must say, I am quite impressed with the lot of us. Avi on her own was insignificant and could not scare of good ol' Buttereyes.

But all this force weirdness is too much for him, as Ande so clearly pointed out.

I believe that is +5 for everyone except for Buttereyes. Oh, and -10 for Avi for both failing to do what we so brilliantly did, and for having her fiance frightened off like a weeping little girl.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

I need to get with the program and just call Daphne Ande now like everyone else.

Rali and Widge get a further +5 for never meeting the guy and still succeeding.

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I go to bed after checking here and then get done with classes and there are tons of posts and stories of me fleeing for the hills. I am afraid that rumors of my fearfulness are greatly exaggerated. It's going to take a lot more than that to scare me off. Trust me.

The playing of the D&D will certainly happen when we are all gathered together, especially now that there are two DM's around.

Has the story of how the proposal happened been shared, or do I need to make this "Uncle Buttereyes Storytime"?

PS: I am also apparently in a war with this silly blog as it refuses to let me post... >_> I will have to work on this more so I can have my name back... *growls*

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

I heard the story. It was certainly an...interesting way of proposing. Ultra-geeky though. Wanted to faceplant into my soup when I heard it.

At least you'll have a great story to tell when people asked how you proposed.

At 11:54 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

And we have a great story about loosing the ring in Russia... or did I already tell you guys about that?

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

And I have a great story about how Sir Pidgeon never actually asked.

Oh and Buttereyes, maybe its because we own the internet and don't want you getting your name back.

Evil laughter.

At 1:05 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Rali, you only think I never "asked" you because you were too taken with the necklace I had just given you to realise the implications of my declaration that "I want to marry you."

Oh, and I don't think the rest of us own the internet; just you.

At 1:13 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

And I, sadly, have no story about how I asked Daphne.(she's asked me to continue using the name)We just kinda agreed and settled in for a long engagement.


At 7:30 AM, Blogger Avi said...

I don't deserve a -10!

I vote for Buttereyes too. It's hilarious.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

That only give you a +1/2 tacked on to your -10.

So, at -9 1/2, you still lose.


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