a ::the smoke zone::: Add this to the Hall of smkr-ishness...


Add this to the Hall of smkr-ishness...

Oh my Gosh I'm so ashamed of myself... Friday I was telling Dad about The Smoke Zone and why we called ourselves smokers (smkrs) and I called The Smoke Zone a "joint blog" and he cracked up and it took me (I kid you not) a whole minute to realize I'd made a brilliant pun! Which means of course it wasn't brilliant because I didn't even notice I'd done it. And in the presence of my Dad, too! (He is the master of punmanship.) How shameful.

So that was just something sad and pathetic for you to laugh at. I do love the idea of it being a "joint blog for smokers", though. So glad Dad noticed.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Avi, c'mon seriously! Would you get your head screwed on at least at little straighter than it is?! It's SMKR! NOT smoker. GET IT STRAIGHT WOMAN!!!

If you don't, this 'joint' might just end up kicking this lil 'smoker' out! =0D

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

It might just...
*evil glare*
That is quite brilliant though. I think something needs to say it so that if some other random person sees this blog they won't think to themselves, "Wow, this is like a 'joint' blog for smokers!" laugh themselves silly, and then wonder why we didn't think of it ourselves, thus resulting in their distrust of our true comedic natures.
Don't let that happen Rali!
Don't let that happen...

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Yeah, sorry, it's my inner stickler for proper spelling coming out and possessing me. Do you realize how hard it is to deliberately write "smkr" when you KNOW it's supposed to be "smoker"? Probably not. So anyway, that's why my hands slip up without my brain knowing and I type it the "wrong" way: years of ingrained spelling accuracy.

And I think we should have the subheading of the blog be "The joint blog for smkrs" or something to that effect. What we have now is good too, of course...


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