a ::the smoke zone::: A post as written by Widge, in an attempt to further describe his trapesing about in the city of Paris and other such going-ons


A post as written by Widge, in an attempt to further describe his trapesing about in the city of Paris and other such going-ons

...although my comment left on the doorstep of Rali's long titled post should be enough for my own contribution to this...joint...blog of ours (thank you, thank you, I try), I decided that I had enough time and was in a near enough mood to be able to make something more...lasting, more real.
As if zeros and ones in one form are more real than in another, but that's not even beside the point, it's...it's...far from it! (wow, I'm just on a roll today)
OK, where am I going with this?
Oh right, Paris, hopefully it won't weigh over 70lbs or I won't be able to bring it home!
As for Paris, it is nice.
So descriptive, neh?
We've seen the sights, seen the unseeable, and seen some pretty remarkable things too.
But rather than attempt to describe such things with oh so boring words I will instead force you all to wait until I return at grace you all with gifts and merryment and pictures.
Oh, and speaking of pictures, I managed to procure a laptop while on my break and will thus be bring *all* my pictures, spoken so highly of.
You will finally be able to put faces to names!
Doesn't that just make you leap for joy?
Leap dammit!!
Well, I must stop this as we have decided to not even give the price a second glance and order ice-cream fondue.
Au revoir!


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Epilouge:We didn't take a second glance at the price, our first was enough to sway us to the neighboring McDonalds for €0.95 sundaes and coffee.
How pathetically lame.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Yup. Lame-o.


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