a ::the smoke zone::: sick...



That's right. I'm sick.

Now I'm not talking about mentally, or emotionally even. No, no - quite physically sick. Stuffy headed, runny nosed, throbbing templed sort of sick. The kind where you want to throw yourself out a window or drown yourself in warm goodness, just in hopes that it'll eventually make you feel better.

And if it doesn't - hey, at least you won't have to be sick anymore.

No. Ghosts don't get sick.

At least, so I've heard.

And even if they do, I'm sure it feels better than being sick alive...at least you don't feel like your going to die.


But anyway. I'm sick, and I'm tired...but not sick and tired...Nope, just sick. And just tired. So I'm going to go now and hope that I feel better and hope that I get better...

...and hope that in general, life gets better.


Oh well, at least I can rest assured [if and when I do rest that is], that I'm still one of the smkr union; which makes me glad whichever way you swing it.

Glad to know that I 'belong' to that....that....that sort of elite group.

It makes me feel at least glad on the inside for a moment. So be glad for that...and rest while you can.



At 10:43 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

I think it'd be more interesting if it were worse to be sick as a ghost.
To feel like you could die from whatever you're sick of but never be able to.
But anyway.
Blegh, I'm sick too, would you believe.
I've been sick since last Friday night (New Year's Eve! That's right!) when I started feeling like I had a fever and slightly nauseous. Since then it's dropped off from that to being insanely tired, splitting headaches when I stand too quickly, to now: completely stuffed up sinuses and a rather sore throat.
But it's all gravy, things have been getting steadily better for me.
I hope things go just as well for you!

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Good thing I can't catch illness from the web. My computer can, but not me. I only hope and pray I stay healthy.

And what kind of warm goodness would you be drowning yourself in? For some reason I got this image of you drowning in hot rice pudding or something like that. Could one get enough?

Oo, that reminds me of this one dream I had a long time ago when there was something to do with jumping around in a hexagonal room filled to the waist with cream of rice. I think I mentioned this before. I might be insane, did you know that?

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Unfortunately, Yes Avi. I did know that.

And really, I don't think rice pudding would be that complimentary. I was thinking more like warm, soft, fluffy dough or something like that. Maybe even warm fudge, as long as it didn't get stuck in your hair or anything.

The thought would be whipped cream...but can whipped cream be warm? What about Cool Whip?

Either way, I'm starting to feel better in general, and I hope you all stay healthyish enough to not make me sick in a few weeks! *wink*

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

You know what would be weird?
A pool filled with warm honey.

At 4:07 AM, Blogger Avi said...


At 9:55 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Mmm, that would be yummy =0D


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