a ::the smoke zone::: I need to stop doing this (Alternately titled "I did it and I'll do it again!")


I need to stop doing this (Alternately titled "I did it and I'll do it again!")

I keep telling myself this'll be the last link to something else I'll put up as an excuse for a 'post', and then I go and do it again. But some of them are so downright funny!

(some weren't, it's true, and I apologize. But I think one's hilarious!)

78-year-old indicted in love triangle killing

Maybe it's just my ocassionally dark sense of humor. I suppose I should feel sorry for the old guy, but:

a.) He was almost in the grave anyway *Avi cringes immediately and guiltily at the callousnes of that statement*
b.) He was totally two-timing her! (well, maybe not, but 78 year olds have feelings too, and he totally dumped her!)
c.)It's Georgia. (That's no reason at all but I just felt the need, as a West-Coastie, to point this out *evil grin*)

I am a horrible excuse for a human being, did you know that?

Anyway, I'll try to make up for this rash of pathetic linkages and give y'all a bit o' news.


Ok, I tried. I have no news. I have nothing. I have high cholesterol - well I guess that's something, and it's news, but it's on the depressing side and I really don't want to know what the results of that bone-density scan are going to be, and I failed my driver's test and am trying again in a week but I still haven't been practicing and I was happy yesterday thinking about this coming school year and isn't that pathetic?

Ok all done. We live in a world where 78-year-old ladies shoot their 85-year-old ex-boyfriends with antique handguns, and we laugh hysterically. Maybe I should just throw in the towel now.


At 3:49 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

To be honest, I'd throw it in. Maybe I have. Who knows.

But if I haven't yet, I'm certainly going to.

This world's too damn depressing and I've got too many voices calling out too many doubts, telling me I can't do a damn thing to change it.

(See, I told you I needed you.) God save me from myself 'cuz heaven knows I can't.

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

woot (that's RIGHT!). That comment was cheery, wasn't it?!

At 5:43 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Wow, thats just...wow. I wonder what kinda gun it was.
Anyway. Who says you need to be cheery? Cheery can get very boring very fast. Besides, artistic muses aren't prone to whisper when you're bouncin off the walls. ;)

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Hehe, Rali, that's all right. By the time I got to the end of the post (as you can tell) that's pretty much the mood I was in.

Last night I dreamt Ariane died, and I felt waves of guilt upon waking up for writing this post, for all its pathos and sarcasm. How's that for cheeriness?

You sait w00t! I won't be letting you forget that, now. *evil grin*

And Vala, you WOULD wonder what kind of antique handgun it was, wouldn't you? Too bad we will never know...

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

No, no, Av. A correction - I said woot. Not w00t. A significantly monumental difference. Please, do respect it ;0D

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

It was totally a Smith & Wesson Model 36 - "Ladysmith"


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