a ::the smoke zone::: extended silence


extended silence

I suppose I feel a need, as the 'prolific' one here, to apologize for the exteneded silence and prolonged absence from posting. I guess I just haven't had anything silly enough or random enough or even meaningful enough in a smkr way to put up.

I guess I've done a mite too much thinking, and a mite too little ranting on about it, eh?

Or then again, maybe you - like seemingly most everyone else - don't mind the abscence. Perhaps you too have had enough of my presence, and perhaps it just isn't much missed here, as anywhere else.

Perhaps everything I do really is just a waste of time. And perhaps this is my own problem - not yours.

*rolls eyes* Well, that was completely useful. I'm glad I wasted your time in making you read something that was obviously of no use to either you or me. In fact, it was a good waste of time just typing it. But I suppose I'm looking to waste time so I don't have to pack. So I don't have to think about it. So I don't get anxious -- just waiting, waiting, waiting as time tick-tocks away with painful seconds that I can't help but count and can't bear the length of.

So perhaps a thing so wasteful of the time, such as this post, is a best. Maybe not for you; I'm sure you had plenty of other things you could have and would have rather been doing -- than simply just wasting, passing the time. But I don't, and so as smkrs, you can share in this need to waste, need to wait, need to blather.

Why? Just because I said so. And now, I think I'll be done. So you don't realize just how pointless this was...and before you have a chance to psychoanalyze it, me, or the greater cosmic order.

There, that's it. *shrug* Don't 'read' too much into it. Or my bad pun for that matter.



At 4:42 PM, Blogger Avi said...

I have missed hearing from you - dreadfully, in fact. I kept a-checkin' on ya even when I knew you were gone. So, yes, your absence has been noticed. And yes, fluff post, but now at least we know you're alive, eh?

You mentioned packing. What are you packing for now? Was it Chicago? I can't remember.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...


Umm...right. I'm finished here. [Ralikat has been logged off]

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

PSH whatever.
Not miss the absense? I, like Avi, checked yer blog each day thou wert in Pear-oo.
(...my spelling and grammar deteriorated in that sentance)

At 1:41 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I think much more than just that deteriorated there. Like ... logic for one ;0D

But much kudos on Pear-oo in place of PUR-oo. However it would more apropriately be peh-ROO, with a flipped "r", no?

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Yes, if you were wanting to get technical. Too bad there isn't a way to show it needs to be flipped, though. Rr indicates rolled, which isn't the same at all.

Wow. How's that for a boring comment?


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