a ::the smoke zone::: November 2005



I was just lying in bed, sitting here thinking about the day and what it means and what it ought to mean and what it never means -- And I thought I would just wish everyone a happy American Thanksgiving.

Don't eat too much (but I know you will), remember all the things you're thankful for (this could be good for everyone), and remember that corn and mashed potatoes and creamed peas and sweet potatoes do go well together.

But while you goad yourself with food -- remember all those in the world that can't. It would do us well to remember the ones in need while we have abundance. Maybe someday, it'd move us to change the world...

Even when we think we can't. Even if we don't "believe"...

Think anyway of the children. Of the hopeless. Of the helpless.
Of your brothers and sisters - so far removed, we hardly think of them at all.
Remember them today -- and be thankful you can change things.

Then, before you get caught up in doubt and self-pitty and the fear of Moses in each of us, go out and change them.

Then next year, when you sit around in some other place with family that feels the same but is different over the years -- you'll look back on the past year, and you'll have so much more to be thankful for.



I must be in love with the Grim Reaper

Apparently I think Death is hot, because I was seriously courting him last night.

Get this: First of all, I snuck off to see GOF with Calvin without telling my parents where I was going because I figured Mom would try to talk me out of it. Second of all, this was at 10:30 PM, and I KNEW, even though I didn't think about it, that the running time was over 3 hours, so we'd be getting back around 1:30 AM. Third, is was dark and foggy out there. VERY dark and foggy. Fourth, I COMPLETELY FORGOT to bring my cell phone, so I had no way to contact anyone and they had no way to contact me. Finally, everyone knows, including myself, that I am not the best of drivers on a GOOD day.

I must have run at least 5 stop signs total. Simply didn't see 'em, and Cal was no help either. When I think about how easy it would've been for us to get broadsided and die slowly while my parents were oblivious at home, I get positively chilled. Sure, Cal has EMT training, but what if HE were the one hit first and I didn't know SHIT? I think I did a lot of illegal and dangerous things out there without even realizing it, and at any time I could have killed both myself and my friend.

Praise God I am still alive. It must have been sheer dumb luck.


"Order is restored."

Avi is having some form of time-zone difficulty. This spawned several publishing issues, which I had to take into my own hands (at her discretion of course...)

Thus, the post-time of 11:11 has been submitted as Avi's update time. This is not completely accurate to reality -- but it's more sexual to say 11:11 than say 10:57. So I did. That's that.

Now, the real purpose of this post is to voice a concern that several of the union members of our blog expressed. So, as to avoid any further complications with the union (and therefore several consecutive strikes that would do no more than to produce irritating picketers in front of our blog entrence), I have decided to bluntly and obviously clarify the issue, henceforth.

There are three new blog entries.
This is one. RK's below is two. Avi's below is three. Please, do not neglect any one of these following posts. (This most certainly and foremost applies to number of comments submitted in a timely manner) If you should feel compelled to not read one of the following for any reason other than serious harm caused to your person (on which case you may be liable to apply for worker's-comp), please submit a fully completed application-of-complaint to our customer service department. They will respond within five full business days to your request, upon which you will be expected to take certain and immediate action.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, refer them to the customer service department head -- Mr. Jasper Widgeon, LTD.

Sincerely signed

-Friendly Webmaster, Esq.

Approaching: systematic shutdown

The play closed on Monday. I had a presentation on a year-long (supposedly) project proposal on Wednesday. I'm supposed to care about religion (which I do on a theoretical level), Gatsby (whom I do on a literary level), and the developement of a photojournalism major (which I do on purposely contingent level).

But really, all in all, I'm a brain dead walking zombie. Please, don't try to stir me or rouse me or wake me. It won't work.

And yet, it's amazing how alive one can appear on coffee and Splenda(TM) and the cold left-overs of Macaroni Grill(R). It's amazing how falsely alive one can be when forced to carry on despite how badly one wants all the world to disappear, and a week-long night to stretch on instead. Honestly, I'm amazed I'm still able to inhale exhale, inhale exhale.

No, no, though. Don't expect much of me next week. If you try, you'll be sourly disappointed in me. If you expect me to read critically through novels and think philosophically about the premature developement on the child's mind in American socity -- and really, just do much more than lie on the couch beside a soft pillow and a warm blanket -- you are completely and utterly mistaken. And if you expect me to engage in chit-chat concerning the greater system of the cosmos, don't. And if you expect me to be human, just let me sleep for a thousand hours all strung together. Maybe then, I'll come alive again.


But don't count too much on that, either. Because we all know I won't sleep much posthence Monday, despite how tired I may even yet become. The holidays aren't for sleeping...

Oh, how true is that!
God save me for Christmas break. Maybe then I can be human again.



There's this funny thing called life...

I imagine right now we have all confirmed to ourselves the existence of some sort of puppet-master somewhere chuckling and musing to himself "Hmmm... I wonder how I can make _____ cry today?"

Well, with the exception of those who aren't in school, whoever they may be...

I have to do three Design backwork projects by tomorrow and write at least 8 more pages of my research paper. I bet you all have horror stories too. I still have six or seven painting projects that I need to make up, which I will have to do over vacation I guess. I hate having stuff hanging over me. But it always does since I am the GODDESS of procrastination. Earlier this week was really hellish; this is only the last gasp of misery before FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM OH GOD THANK YOU.

What are you people doing for Thanksgiving? I will be spending Thanksgiving day - get this - setting up Christmas decorations. Yep. That's the plan. No big Thanksgiving dinner, just plastic trees and garlands and icicle lights and tons of Christmasy bits and bobs all over the house. Po' Eskimo is going to be traumatized for life! On the plus side, we ARE going to see GOF!!!! HELL YEAH!!! Probably twice.



So I had a brilliant delirium induced post here involving Widge-brain and veggie stew and the little hamlet of Nonexistance and their tourism industry but now you get this uninspired rant because the computer I am typing on is a peice of shit and has a power button the size of France that my knee bumped into barely and killed everything.
I am so fucking mad right now I want to flail about and destroy things.
It is mostly due to my fever, which I was taking advantage of for a smkr post.


So, it strikes again

the first says: psh

another says: oh well psh

the first says: hes cool

another says: psh psh

the first says: psh

another says: psh

the first says: psh

another says: psh

the first says: psh

another says: spsh

the first says: zpshs

another says: wait that didn't work

the first says: its like the ssszzzzssshhh thing

another says: jqeoru8wa

the first says: aremr?

another says: pelicular

the first says: testicular?

another says: tu ver a pelicular?

the first says: um
peruvian uncles on a platter of sidesalad and a universally acceptable camel's hump on the side with a dressing of highfluting top-hattedness?

another says: we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here
Still. We'll Continue.

the first says: But what if the lights in the lighthouse went out and the little ship crashed against the rocks and all the sugar was lost?

another says: what

the first says: Well, why not?

another says: vala and I are confused

the first says: At times, the answers in the back of the book don't seem to make any sense to our minds because we think them wrong. But too often, it is we who do not see the truth.
This evolution can too be the answer to existence.

another says: what be you quoting

the first says: Often, when the rain falls from the sky, we percieve the clouds to be dark ad the horizon formittable. But what would humanity say if we looked instead to the ground when it rained, and saw the restoration of life at our feet?

(I'm just making this crap up randomly...)



He was right. There Is No Excuse.

So I will publish a post even though it means procrastinating writing my Poem Analysis until tomorrow morning (probably around 7-ish) - But for the good of the team, I will sacrifice my school career! Anything for you guys!

I have indoctrinated "Butt Awesome" into my group of friends. Isn't that great?

Watch Full Metal Panic. It's funny. Or better yet, watch Full Metal Panic Fumoffu. It's funnier.

I miss you guys. Someone seriously needs to come up here and visit me. Daphne, you skipped out on me! I will never forgive! Also every time I type a phrase here it starts sounding like a bad fan-sub! Proof that I have been watching WAY TOO MUCH ANIME!!!

By the way, Widge, have you found the rest of Azumanga Daioh (sp?) yet? Hehe, my friends just dicovered FLCL and are very much confused. I'm loving it...

Ok, I have been bleeding geek-ness all over you. I promise I'll stop now before you choke and die!

I'm going home for Thanksgiving with a car full of people. I should probably make myself drive... my Eskimo friend is coming along, with many devious plans to dress up in pirate costumes and pillage 7-11 or something. I hope he doesn't get bored... My dad is going to pull his wisdom teeth! Hehehehe! I am having way too much fun with that. He's got to get them pulled BEFORE Thanksgiving dinner, too. BWAHAHAHA...

Along with one of my friends, I am creating a new message-board style online RPG! Join me when it's up - I promise piratey fun and a pretty interesting plot. Yes! It is a seafaring fantasy role-play with buccaneers and privateers and mysterious "sea ninjas" and Vikings (well, Viking rip-offs) and hostile merfolk and even a Kraken! Well, maybe a Kraken. At least rumors of a Kraken. I think it will be awesome.

Ok, that's it for tonight; I am going to bed. I will probably dream of Anime. Or pirates. Anime Pirates? Ninja Vikings? Dear me...