a ::the smoke zone::: There's this funny thing called life...


There's this funny thing called life...

I imagine right now we have all confirmed to ourselves the existence of some sort of puppet-master somewhere chuckling and musing to himself "Hmmm... I wonder how I can make _____ cry today?"

Well, with the exception of those who aren't in school, whoever they may be...

I have to do three Design backwork projects by tomorrow and write at least 8 more pages of my research paper. I bet you all have horror stories too. I still have six or seven painting projects that I need to make up, which I will have to do over vacation I guess. I hate having stuff hanging over me. But it always does since I am the GODDESS of procrastination. Earlier this week was really hellish; this is only the last gasp of misery before FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM OH GOD THANK YOU.

What are you people doing for Thanksgiving? I will be spending Thanksgiving day - get this - setting up Christmas decorations. Yep. That's the plan. No big Thanksgiving dinner, just plastic trees and garlands and icicle lights and tons of Christmasy bits and bobs all over the house. Po' Eskimo is going to be traumatized for life! On the plus side, we ARE going to see GOF!!!! HELL YEAH!!! Probably twice.


At 1:36 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Yep, yep on the GOF stuff. We will be sporting the theater with the intentions of viewing it's flurry of magic-ness as well. *sigh* When the hell is the paperback coming out?!?!?!

Aaanyway. We'll be decorating for Christmas on Saturday probably -- because I want to see the house in all it's Christmas glory and since I won't actually be there at Christmas eultide-time, I must ascribe to having it for mah party. Oh, and I want fatey to see it, too ;)

Wow, this comment is turning into one of those ridiculous telephone messages I'm becoming more and more apt to leave. I should probably stop this habit before it gets as dangerous as my others...


Well, I'm off to mystery-dessert hour. Wish my insides much luck.

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Hmm, yeah i'm so glad i'm not in more then one class at the moment. I hated holiday homework. But fate has decided to make me whimper in other ways instead. I'll be blogging about it at some point this weekend but basically what it all boils down to is this...relatives care more for a dead guy then me, decided to have his funeral on my birthday in the same town, didn't realize it until i said something. There's more but thats the juice bit. As for the holiday...I get to work retail on the single most hellish day of the year, the day after thanksgiving. I'll blog about that too when i'm done.

At 4:13 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Yeah, that puppet master guy? Te one chuckling and musing?
I'm totally that guy.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Sounds like his strings need to be cut...i'll leave that up to u rali. ;)

At 1:47 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Also, what the crap is GOF?
Or am I just a retard?

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Ande, that was such brilliant mockage of Sir Widgeon that I feel I cannot add much to it. Other than this:

You tw[i]t! *mutters* what's gof?.... UGH!

You realize we are seeing that. And you realize I'm wearing my cape! That's Right!!!

At 2:08 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Huzzah for capes! I wore mine!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Andunneana said...

I must admit the original idea was my mom's and she helped me with some of the mockeries.

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Avi said...

HEHEHEHE. Yeah Widgey fails. And he is entirely NOT the puppet master as I already know who it is! But YOU don't.

Golden Odious Fart made me giggle incessantly. If I was wearing a hat I'd tip it to you, Daphne! Or does that one belong to your mother?

RK's "tw[i]t"... * Av snickers uncontrollably*

Vala. A funeral on your birthday is the most grossly unacceptable thing I have ever heard of in my life. How horrible for you! I hope the relatives were properly ashamed of themselves!

Oh yeah, GOF KICKS ASS! It was a little too rapid-fire and I was NOT digging the whole Harry/Hermione subplot (inaccurate!) but other than that, KAPOW!!!! Holy FECK.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Holy cow [I] totally fa[i]l for not hav[i]ng recogn[i]zed that the [i]n[i]t[i]als "GOF" stood for a myr[i]ad of r[i]d[i]culous th[i]ngs! Holy FECK
And you real[i]se [I]'m be[i]ng sarcast[i]c! That's R[i]ght!!!


At 9:58 PM, Blogger Avi said...

What's with all the [i]'s? That doesn't look even remotely clever.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

You totally kicked Widgey's ass on that one Av. I utterly and entirely concur, and feel no further need to bash him on account of your brilliance. :nod nod:

{PS. Cons[i]der th[i]s payback Widgey-poo!!! Oh yes, and CLEVER payback, at that.}


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