a ::the smoke zone::: I must be in love with the Grim Reaper


I must be in love with the Grim Reaper

Apparently I think Death is hot, because I was seriously courting him last night.

Get this: First of all, I snuck off to see GOF with Calvin without telling my parents where I was going because I figured Mom would try to talk me out of it. Second of all, this was at 10:30 PM, and I KNEW, even though I didn't think about it, that the running time was over 3 hours, so we'd be getting back around 1:30 AM. Third, is was dark and foggy out there. VERY dark and foggy. Fourth, I COMPLETELY FORGOT to bring my cell phone, so I had no way to contact anyone and they had no way to contact me. Finally, everyone knows, including myself, that I am not the best of drivers on a GOOD day.

I must have run at least 5 stop signs total. Simply didn't see 'em, and Cal was no help either. When I think about how easy it would've been for us to get broadsided and die slowly while my parents were oblivious at home, I get positively chilled. Sure, Cal has EMT training, but what if HE were the one hit first and I didn't know SHIT? I think I did a lot of illegal and dangerous things out there without even realizing it, and at any time I could have killed both myself and my friend.

Praise God I am still alive. It must have been sheer dumb luck.


At 10:17 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Tsk tsk!
Sneaking out without your parents permission!??!?!?!!???
WITH A BOY!!?!????!
WHOM YOU WANT???!?!!!??!

And you are so totally "lucky" because driving through stop signs on a foggy night is rather rash.

lucky is in quotes because I don't believe in luck, or if you prefer: In my experience there's no such thing as luck.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Well, I believe in luck.

Like I would ever get up to mischief with a boy! Ha!

At 12:06 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Yeah i'd agree that you were pretty lucky there. Had to have been pretty dead that time of night if you ran that many lights/signs without coming close to hitting someone. Still...you got a movie and a date out of it. That's a fair exchange, just don't try the same exchange rate again.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Avi said...

There was nothing "date"-like about it; I just want to clear the record up on that account. He is my FRIEND. Friend. SO stop teasing me about him!

Honestly, some people...

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Rali, tell me, how emphatic were you about the fact that there was nothing but a good friendship between us?

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Wow, actually...I just said the comment above which is why it refers to Rali in the third person. But I didn't realise that she was signed in already because I'm on her computer at the moment.
What can I say? I fail.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger Avi said...

So I take it that last comment was RK using Widge's space? You guys...useless. Completely useless.

No comment on anything else.


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