a ::the smoke zone::: January 2006


In light of Avi

What Are You?

1] Do you have a couch in your front yard or porch? No.
2] Do you drive a four-wheeler? No
3] Do you ride four-wheelers? Would like to, but no
4] Do you like to get dirty? Somtimes...I guess that quantifies somehow as "yes" though
5] Do you like country music? If I'm in the mood, I can listen to anything. (Avi: shitty-sounding crap? What's that?!)
6] Do you have a broken car in your back yard? No.
7] Do you own a cowboy hat? Yes
8] Do you live on more then two acres? No
9] Do you have more then four different animals at your home? Did at one point, I like reptiles & fish so thats not really "Redneck" but whatever. Answer's no
Total yes: 3/9

1] Do you wear black eyeliner? of course
2] Is most of your clothing dark? If I did a tally, probably
3] Do you think about death often? sure
4] Are you a social outcast? I don't want to be a "social incast" if that's what you mean. so I suppose so
5] Are you pale? pretty much but not by choice, really (Again this does not MAKE you goth?)
6] Do you like Hot Topic? I like to shop there but I'm not a stero-typical "Goth"; I'm not in love with it or anything. That's retarded, again.
7] Do you enjoy Tim Burton movies? yeah
8] Are you mean? always
Total yes: 8/8

1] Can you skateboard? No
2] Do you wear Vans? they don't feel comfy, so no
3] Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? all the time
4] Have you gotten in trouble with the Cops? No
5] Do you watch the X-games? sure, if I have time
6] Do you have any piercings? Yes
7] Do you like/wear mohawks/fohawks? They're fun ;)
8] Have you called someone a poser? All the time.
Total yes: 5/8

1] Do you say the word "like"? like yeah
2] Do you shop at Hollister/Abercrombie & Fitch? nope
3] Do you pop the collar? bleh
4] Do the people in Hot topic scare you? Yes, I scare myself :sigh: How retarculous; no.
6] Do you watch Laguna Beach? no
7] Do you like pop music? Again, with the right mood
8] Do you want/have a little dog? no
9] Do you idolize Paris Hilton? I hardly know who she is
Total yes: 2/9

1] Is your hair long? This makes me a hippie? Retarded
2] Do you own a tye-dye shirt? Did, but I think I got rid of it (And Av, you totally do!)
4] Do you want to save the animals? Not particularly
5] Do you think war is unnecessary? if we lived in a different kind of world. It's terrible, but necessary
6] Is love essential in your life? No, I'm "goth" I hate everyone :sigh: Yes.
7] Have you smoked pot? No
8] Do you like classic rock and trippy music? Again, mood
9] Do you wear paisley head-bands? I would
Total yes: 4/9

1] Do you act ghetto? Sometimes
2] Do you wear do-rags? No
3] Do you like hip-hop? Again
4] Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? He wasn't bad, but actually I would say Eminem is better
5] Do you believe he's alive? He could be, but I don't care too much
6] Do you like afros? Oh gosh, hillarious
7] Have you ever said "Fo Shizzle"? Mockingly
8] Do you like to dance? of course, but how does that make me "Gangsta" Only gangstas dance now? Bleh, why am I taking this!
Total yes: 4/8

1] Do you cry often? Or you could be a cry-baby
2] Do you wear hoodies? yeah, so that makes me emo? Ugh!
3] Do you like screamo music? It's called "screamo". What do you think? But actually. I bet I do and don't call it some retard name like that. Because Again, with the music....
4] Do people not understand you? Who does?
5] Do you write your own songs? yeah, but of course only emo's do
6] Ever dyed your hair red, black or dark? yes
7] Do you cut your own hair? umm. no. I'm not a retard.
8] Are you lonely? Heh, that's personal now isn't it. Everyone gets lonely at SOME point
9] Is Ohio for lovers? WTF!
Total yes: 7/9

1] Do you surf? I wish...
2] Do you wear flip flops year-round? sometimes.
3] Is your hair shaggy? no
4] Do you wake up before six every morning? hell no
5] Do you own many pairs of shorts? of course, I live in Cali
6] Are you tan? not anymore
7] Do you talk surfer lingo? Shaw, dude.
8] Do you want to be at the beach right now? meh
9] Do you hate tourists? YES!
Total yes: 4/9

1] Do you wear glasses? Because you are a geek if you do :sigh: no.
2] Do you get good grades? yea
3] Do you use an inhaler? nope
4] Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? Stupid. no
5] Does your mom pick out your clothes? no
6] Are you on the computer often? yea
7] Do you ever get picked on? I have older siblings, of course
8] Do you look forward to go to school? after full-time work
9] Are you shy around the opposite sex? no
10] Do you like math? Actually, yeah :gasp:
Total yes: 5/10

1] Do you look in the mirror a lot? most do, few admit to it
2] Does it take forever to pick something to wear? sometimes
3] Do you own lots of hair products? but rarely use them
4] Is your favourite colour pink/purple? purple is NOT girly! dammit
5] Do you "hog" the bathroom? no
6] Are you afraid to get dirty? no
7] Do you flip out when you see a spider? No, I'm fine
8] Are you on the phone a lot? Umm. no. never. of course not. Widge is girly too then (STUPID!)
9] Do you eat like a bird? More like a cow. <---yeah me too!
10] Do you hate it when people don't like you? no
Total yes: 5/10

So I guess by stereotype standards I am: Goth Emo with borders in Skater, Geek, and Girly.

How stupid was that. I scored pretty evenly in most. Stereotypes are dumb. Let's see what everyone else gets. Widge - I know you wanted to. Post it. Vala, you too -- as a comment ;D

Woo. =0| :sigh:



I still loathe you

I hate you all, still. We never should have missed Warwick you guys would have loved it, not only the castle but the entire town. And there was this absolutely darling dress/nightgown that I saw half off under £30 that I so wanted to by Rali but my budget prevailed :( It was so darling, green satin cut on the bias so it swung with crepe straps. I love England so completely but it would have been pure folly to go back to Newbold this year, I would have become a melencholy bird. I spent yesterday at the school visiting the Southern's. They could use your prayers, Rosy's kidneys have completely shut down and she has to go in for dialisis. The good news is that Daniel is able to give her one of his so the transplant will happen at the end of the month but as always there are risks so our prayer is still needed. Well I ought be off, later.


Wandering alone/again

I could not decide on a word for the title so you get a special two-for-one deal today. I am again in the land of bangers and mash and you all would be very proud of me. I got off the plane, went to the trainstation, looked at the possible destinations and went, "hmm, Brighton sounds nice." And the lack of planning did not end there, upon arrival in Brighton I simply picked a street and headed towards the sea. No map, no real destination, no list of things to see, just wandering in true smkr fashion. And I loathe you all for not being here everytime I want to go, "ooh, look at that" and no one is there to look. You all have better things to do. But, Rali, we should have gone to Brighton. I must have passed half a dozen clubs before I reached the sea. Then, as I walked upon the wall I began to here a thump-a-thump-a-thump-a from below only to realize that there was a club still open, music blaring, bouncer staring at 8:30am New Years day. It was really quite entertaining. You will have to excuse me if this post disolves into drivel as I have now been up for more than 24 hours and am simply waiting to be able to check into my hostel in order to grab some much desired rest. Oh yeah, Rali, if you fly from Burbank you can save another $20 on that airfare I told you about. I am tempted to go to the Thai place tonight but I think I will save that for when Lacey is over here. I will try to post here or my blog to update ya'll, Vala included. Brain sutting down, must sleep....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Ha HA! I got you all.

I hope your vacations have been delighful. Mine was frightfully uneventful but once again I managed to drive in the dark, on a freeway, in traffic, with wind and rain, and NOT KILL ANYONE!!! GO ME!!! But let me tell you, I came out of those two hours considerably shell-shocked. And that has been my excitement for the season.

I have also not been online for this entire vacation, barring a few days I think.

Mau (is that how you spell it, Daphne? That's how I always spell it in my head when I hear it) has spread to all of my friends and all of my sisters friends and now some of my sister's friend's parents. I think of you all everytime I play it, but I really wish we had played it more than just - what was it? - three times? Honestly. How un-fun is that? (wow, my vocabulary is seriously lacking. I think my brain may also be on vacation. Or maybe I lost it when I was in shock after surviving that driving...excitement.)

Well, in honesty the rest of this post is just me rambling so I don't feel as guilty that the real reason for posting was to rabbit rabbit you all.