a ::the smoke zone::: RABBIT RABBIT



Ha HA! I got you all.

I hope your vacations have been delighful. Mine was frightfully uneventful but once again I managed to drive in the dark, on a freeway, in traffic, with wind and rain, and NOT KILL ANYONE!!! GO ME!!! But let me tell you, I came out of those two hours considerably shell-shocked. And that has been my excitement for the season.

I have also not been online for this entire vacation, barring a few days I think.

Mau (is that how you spell it, Daphne? That's how I always spell it in my head when I hear it) has spread to all of my friends and all of my sisters friends and now some of my sister's friend's parents. I think of you all everytime I play it, but I really wish we had played it more than just - what was it? - three times? Honestly. How un-fun is that? (wow, my vocabulary is seriously lacking. I think my brain may also be on vacation. Or maybe I lost it when I was in shock after surviving that driving...excitement.)

Well, in honesty the rest of this post is just me rambling so I don't feel as guilty that the real reason for posting was to rabbit rabbit you all.


At 12:51 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Well its good to hear from someone besides Daphne. I'm glad you managed another feat of "normal" driving. Lord only knows how thats possible. Normal driving is just so hard... especially in the dark, in traffic, with wind and rain! Come live in Portland and you'll...oh wait. You live in the Northwest too. Never mind. ;)

My sarcasm aside i'm glad you're spreading the chaos that is Mao. While i'm not incredibly fond of it, (I don't even know if I remember how to play it)it is one of those things that is almost unqiue to Laura's and my own circle of friends.

PS- Nice to know someone had a boring new year/break as i did.

At 2:31 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Mao. Ah. Well, I suppose I was kind of close...

Even though rain driving is skeery, at least in the Western half it's green...And now I am back in uglyville. *Sigh*

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Andunneana said...

You realize you are both wrong and it is MOW.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Avi said...

Mow is the worst possible spelling I could imagine for it! First of all, it'll be read as mow as in "mow the lawn", second of all, how uncreative of a spelling is that? If I had a choice, I would much prefer "mao". Oh well, whatever is the official spelling I guess.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Fateduel said...

What about "Maow" or "Mau" or something like that?
Nope, MOW it be.
And you suck Avi for winning that contest that I never think to do anything with and yet always think it would be cool (in reference to "Rabbit, Rabbit")
What do you win?

At 7:05 AM, Blogger Avi said...

The eternal enslavement of my peers (i.e. YOU!)


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