a ::the smoke zone::: And I Die a Little More Inside...


And I Die a Little More Inside...

Today marked a new low for my view of the typical American shopper. I witness a lady, not quite 30 years of age, attempting to drive one of my stores electric carts with a cellphone tucked between shoulder and cheek and a coffee cup in one hand. The sheer stupidity of the image stopped me in my tracks. I seriously could not move I was so mesmerized by it. The way she swerved and seemed to speed up and slow down at random intervals, the way other shoppers backed off, and the series of eye rolls from other employees only added to the effect. Luckily for my sanity she was only grabbing the cart for her mother who was waiting outside. I shudder to think what kind of damage she could have done if she'd actually attempted to shop like that. So today I dedicate this image to her and all the countless others like her in the consumer hell hole we call America. God bless the credit card holders and the compulsion buyers.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

And the pretentious asses who talk on cell phones while they order because they think they are hot and awesome.


At 1:50 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

Ah yes, the people who come through my checkout lines and don't once acknowledge me cause they're on their phones and then take forever finding their method of payment cause they can't split their attention between their purse and their conversation.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Avi said...

So they're like me with the lacking of the multitasking skills! But that is why I wouldn't try that. Unless I was compelled to for some reason.

At 12:00 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

We may have to test this out when Ande and I come down for spring break. Though i'm loath to try it because I know just how annoying it is.

At 4:09 AM, Blogger Avi said...

You're going where for spring break?

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Valakun said...

LA, Laguna Beach, Disney, etc...that is if I buy my train ticket soon. Ande's fam is going down to use a timeshare of theirs and they want me to tag along, course i have to pay my way and the cheapest way is by train. Fun!

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Oooh, you lucky, lucky kids! Have fun with that!

-My only consolation is that my boyfriend is coming over for the first part of break...


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