a ::the smoke zone::: It's about time...


It's about time...

Blogger made me go through so many damned hoops just to write a simple post - an hour later it finally works... I am so. Freaking. Irritated. Incidentally, is Rali interested in updating the Smk zone for the Google whatever?

But that was not what I was posting about. I am posting about nothing, really, only driven by the fact that I post so very little. And generally miss you guys - I have been feeling nostalgic all day, first thinking about Newbold and then Bogi. I am full of sad. Hmm. Too bad Rali and Widge are too far away to join us for Sakuracon, eh Vala? We could all dress up as FLCL characters or something! No, shh, it'd be fun!

In other news, I have discovered that I am becoming more and more freakishly geeky as time goes on. I blame it all on the boyfriend, who has begun me down the road to hell in the form of the ever-Satanic D&D. Uh, I mean, WAIT NO I WOULD NEVER LARP EVER. (Shhh Rali.) And I most assuredly am NOT going to be starting a campaign with my boyfriend as the DM, set in a Celtic-based fantasy realm. And I have NOT created a level 6 Druid/sorcerer. No.

God, is it bad that I am having quite possibly the most fun of my life?

Hmm, nothing else new to report here that should be viewed publically, heh heh. Anyone interested in plump and juicy details should email or im or CALL me. I usually have my phone with me now, for very obvious reasons. Although not tonight.


At 6:58 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

Well, well good morning and hello life to you for once :P

In news...oh my gosh, two months!

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Fateduel said...

Well I'm glad you haven't started down that road to destruction. That road seems smooth and clear until it suddenly drops off a cliff and you explode in the eternal firey torment of ~~HELL~~ !!!!
So avoid that.

Going backwards, I'd LOVE to dress up as FLCL characters! I would totally try to pull off the eyebrows guy but I couldn't due to my obvious excess of hair. Maybe I could be Naota's dad? He does pulls it back in a pony-tail.
Becca would have to be either Ninamori or Mamimi I guess...

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Damn, I know about the whole jumping through hoops thing, I did that just a day before you posted.

I could so see Rali going as Haruko. Widge...hmm don't know bout you though. Naota's dad would probably work for you only he's pretty tall.

Oh and my 3rd lvl monk/5th lvl ninja would pwn your druid/sorc. lol. Welcome to DnD. If you want any of the books that your boytoy don't have I have them on my comp.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Hehe, monks are my boyfriend's favorites. And I am pretty sure he has every damn book out ther, also on his computer. I have most of them on mine now, too! Totally not a geek.

But what FLCL character could I be? There aren't very many female characters to choose from. I suppose I could crossplay...

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I'm honored that everyone seems to think I could go as any of the female FLCL roles. That must mean I'm sexy and all that ;)

I think I should be Mamimi, Avi should be Haruko (she's the tallest and has that sort of messy short-hair thing, just dye it pink!) and Ande could be Ninamori - she's the shortest ;) Widge should cut his hair and shave and be Naoto, and Vala should be Canti.

There, I've planned it all out.
I'm awesome.
Now, let's see: we just need to actually go. Haha!

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

lol at the Canti bit. I met a Canti cosplayer at Kumori-con this last year and snapped his pic. He had an amazing costume. I'll have to post the pic sometime.


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