a ::the smoke zone::: The Union is Complete.


The Union is Complete.

I think it is now time to attest to the fact that, two years hence, the "smkrs" have a) seen their better days, b) will not see many more, c) should probably accept that fact, as sad as it may be.

Two of the formerly-said-smkrs have now also been wed.

Please send gifts and/or cash/personal check/money orders to their previous address as it will remain their current and permanent address for the next year.

You may also call either of their completely-ghetto-needing-of-instant-replacement
mobiles. (However, if you wish to actually contact the blissful couple, you are advised to only contact the female line, as the male line is hardly-if-ever reachable. [However, if you are earnest in your desire to make contact, you are more strongly advised to really just send an email with a demand of "YOU BETTER CALL ME BACK YOU LAZY PIECES OF ALTMAN MEAT!!!!!!!" instead of wasting both time and mobile battery in the attempts of a more-than-likely useless ring})


We have not been in England too long and are certainly not speaking every other sentence in a really pathetic British accent. You sods.


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Avi said...

CALL ME YES PLEASE DO! I will have my phone by my side every waking moment just so I can hear your beloved voices. Especially since I, of all the smkrs, have been most cut off from you this past year. I think you have my number, but if not, it is three-six-zero, six-three-one, one-six-five-nine. As if spelling it out somehow makes it safer than usual...I dunno, I could just email it to you but I am lazy. Watch, the feds are coming for me now.


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