a ::the smoke zone::: Long last


Long last

Now we are all together, at last! Yeay for us.

And now, everyone must view
, because it is so very true.

And I hate Starbucks, sincerely.


At 7:29 PM, Blogger Valakun said...

Further proof that Starbucks is an evil empire out to rule the world and addict us to caffine with their drinks that cost more than a full meal at BK. POINTLESSNESS!!!

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Avi said...

Heheh. I actually have a lot of respect for Starbucks now that I realized they are doing some interesting, but quiet philanthropy with their free trade thing. They don't make a big deal about it so not many people know, but my Starbucks employee friend says they are basically providing jobs, housing, schooling, and other benefits for third-world coffee farmers that they wouldn't get otherwise. So, if it's true (and my friend isn't terribly gullible), then kudos to them.

The tall, grande, venti thing is just silly, though. Also, I like this girl; she's even funnier than Foamy the Squirrel on the subject.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I heard quite the opposite. The owner of my store knew a guy whose family owned a coffee farm and Starbucks was screwing them so bad that they refused to sell to them anymore.

Either way, they are still culture killers and only out to get money and a "good coporate image".

F*** them.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Avi said...

*shrug* Well, I like to think the best of people; you know that. I'm not going to defend them too strenuously because frankly I don't care that much, but I will say I prefer the quality of their lattes to our local "shop around the corner" coffee place. And I refused to be ashamed of this.

At 1:32 AM, Blogger Ralikat said...

I'm all for thinking the best of people. But a corporation is not a person. It's a machine designed to make as much profit as possible. The problem is that there is no real humanity in it. Sure, there are people behind it running this part or that part, but a corporation as a whole cannot be said to be run by any persons. It's too vast, too spread-out. That's the problem, really. A corporation is too far removed from humanity and therefore, a corporation does things which are not good or beneficial to humanity as a whole, which it gets away with because of this removal.

Anyway, that's a corporation rant in the making...haha.

As for the shop around the corner - that's really too bad. I know a few that aren't up to par as well. Hopefully, when we become entrepranuers (what. I cannot spell.), you will support us :D

If not, we'll hate you forever and always.

You should see


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